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well I did it again


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My neighbour a mile up the road has a few birds that I have always felt very sorry for. She doesn't give them toy the cages she uses should be in the dump there are huge rust holes everywhere she uses steel pipes for perches the birds get nothing but seeds and water. anyway she has a cockatoo and a Harlequin Macaw that she wants to rehome and she is keeping her Double yellow Head Amazon she came over today and asked me if I wanted to adopt her Macaw She knows I'm a sucker for him I've always loved him he a little cage bound but is not to bad if you can get him away from his cage and I'm worried he's going to get sick if he stays there much longer. she said I could have him for 7 hundred which is a pretty good deal I guess and he need a home he recently escaped and flew up into a tree behind their house they finally got him when he went onto a branch that wouldn't hold him the branch broke and down he came he was fine thank goodness. any way I told her I would take him but she's going to have to keep him fora week or 2 so I can get him a new cage I refuse to bring the piece of junk he's in into my house its also way to small he doesn't even have so much as 1 toy poor guy I am just a sucker for a pretty face here's a picture of him notice the perch he's on its the only thing in his cage except his seeds and water not even newspaper because there is no grate so she doesn't want him to chew it up poor baby. some people should not have birds. She does love them but she doesn't have a clue how to look after them I'm surprised these poor birds have lasted as long as they have. His name is Harley

3ke3o63laZZZZZZZZZ97q078d4009eed-1.gif<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/07/27 08:15

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Congratulations on your new Macaw, Pat!!!! Harley is a very lucky fid and I know he couldn't find a more loving or better forever home. Can't wait to hear more about him and how he gets along with the rest of your flock. Will you continue to call him Harley or will you be changing his name?

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I haven't decided yet about his name. He's going to have to go into Quarantine for awhile until I get him checked out by the vet and he gets a clean bill of health I also have to have him checked for heavy metal poisoning because I don't know what that perch in his cage is made out of and his cage has allot of rust the bottom has rust hole 2 inches around and there are 3 or 4 holes in it she doesn't cover them with news paper or anything so he could be chewing the hole Like I said I'm surprised the birds have lasted as long as they have I can't wait to get hm out of there I just don't have the money at the moment so I'm going to have to wait a week or 2 I have to finish paying for him and get him a new cage and then the vet bill its not going to be cheap I have a small cage about 22X24x36 high that I could use as a sleep cage for Jeepers since during the day he's on his play stand and if I do that I can give Harley the cage that Jeepers is in now its30"Dx40"Wx42"T inside measurements I hope that will be big enough for now and it has a play top I'll have to see what I can do the sooner I can get him home and into the vet the better.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/07/28 01:50

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Congratulations Pat.I agree you need to have him checked for heavy metal poisoning.It was a horrible thing to see when Cracker got it,he was very very ill.I could see bits of metal in his crop and gizzard on the xrays.You have such a kind heart,Harley could not wish for a better person as his new mum.

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Congrats Pat on your new to you bird, I know you will give him a good home, poor thing to have had to live under such conditions, yes some people should not have them if they can't take proper care but at least this one gets a reprieve, karma from me also for having such a big heart.

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Wow Congrats Pat!! I am so happy Harley is getting a better home. I hope your other fids take to him ok. How old is Harley? Are you able to handle him? I can't wait to see more pics and here how he adjusts to his new home. You have a huge heart, and your doing a wonderful thing!

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Congrats on your newest addition, I have always said I would rather have my hands full then empty and it seems I am not the only one! what i beautiful macaw and I hope harley gets a clean bill of health at the vets.. It is a wonderful thing you are doing!

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Thanks everyone I get myself into some lulu's I just should say no but I can't just sit back and watch a fid that I grown to love be abused even if its not intentional the ignorance is still abuse. And a bird living in thos conditions makes me want to cry. I havn't tried to handle Harley I did give him a beaky Rub through the bars of his cage. I know that her 15 year old daughter can handle Harley no problem he is a real snuggle bunny with her he bites the mom every chance he gets. I don't think I'll have to many problems unless he takes to my 14 yr old daughter and I doubt that will happen she's terrified of those big beaks ever since I had Mr. Magoo the Cockatoo and he would attack and bite her hard. She prefers the smaller birds its kind of sad that she is afraid of the big birds now I was hoping she would be a bird lover like me. There's no chance now. She doesn't hate then she just ignores them.


I think Harley is either 2or3 years old I can't remember if she said she got him last year or 2 years ago I know he was a year old when she got him.

he is a beautiful bird he has red feather lines around his eyes.

She also has a Moluccan Cockatoo that she's selling for dirt cheap even though he doesn't have any toys and is living on a seed diet at least his cage is in good shape and his perch is made of wood not metal and he's not a plucker. I just hope I get Harley in time to make him better I'm worried about him now that I know he's going to be mine. I also scared for him. I want to take over a nice big branch from my white Alder tree and put it in his cage and get rid of that steel pole. I also want to make him a nice big Toy out of the untreated spruce I bought at the lumber yard last time I was there so he can chew his little heart out without getting poisoned. I'm sure she would not let him have it though it would make a mess and she can't have that. I also don't know if its a girl or a boy S/he has not been DNA'd but is known as a boy for now.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/07/27 20:05

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Congrats! By the sounds of it, he sure is lucky to have you. My uncle rescued a parrot a few years back. Sounds like a similar situation, small cage, no toys and no perches. Although he did have a belt (normally used for pants) as a perch. :angry:


Do you have any photos of him? How is he adapting now?

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Congratulations Pat, you sure have a heart of gold.

I hope everything goes well at the vets.


I just dont know how you do it! Three birds takes up all my time, you are one in a million. You are such a kind hearted person:)

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Congradulations Pat. I wouldn't have been able to say no either. He is beautiful and I think it's wonderful that you are taking him in. I can't stand to see a neglected/abused bird either and I know you will make a world of difference in his life. Karma to you.

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Thanks Erica and everyone else who gave me a boost of confidence I a little worried because of his size. I'm not afraid of him I'm just worried that my house may not be big enough for such a large bird. They need lots of room and my house is only 1500 square feet. I know a couple that have a B&G and their house is 1/2 the size of mine and I guess he's doing ok but he doesn't have very much room to fly mind you they keep him clipped and he walks all over the place he's like a dog. he follows them all over the place walking apparently Harley likes to do that also so maybe it will be OK I do have a fairly large sun room/livingroom/dining room area its about 14 ft wide and 28ft long so its a good space for my birds to get their flying exercise but is it large enough for a big Macaw?

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Congrats on the new fid! I was in the bird shop yesterday getting new toys and food for mine and they had a Scarlett and a B & G that were available. Both were less than 6 months and I spent about an hour playing with them, very cuddly and beautiful. I would be a bit afraid of having them in my home, they are so majestic in size and coloring. Maybe if I win the lottery...lol.


You'll be a great mom Pat, and taking this baby in will enhance his life as well as yours. Congrats again.

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Wow, congratulations Pat, he's a real beauty. Harley is lucky to have you come along and offer him a second chance at a good life. I know you spend all your free time with your birds giving them love and attention- I know you'll do your very best with Harley too and he'll thrive under your care just like Jeepers has. I hope the 'too is able to find a good home too.

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