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Hello, new here and new to greys

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Hi everyone! I just wanted to say a quick hello and introduce myself. My name is Katie and I currenly have 2 parakeets, 2 finches, 7 cockatiels, an 11 year old white capped pionus and just adopted a 20 year old CAG 2 weeks ago named Nori. Oh, and a Boston Terrier named Mindy. (Can't forget her!)


I have been wanting to get a grey for a couple years now but was always so nervous to do it. I kept having fears of bringing one home and it would be miserable and I would come home one day to a pile of feathers and a nekked bird.


Needless to say Nori has made the transition fantastically, especially since it's his 3rd (and final) home with the last one being only for a year. He's a chatter box already and is picking up on new things all the time. He's made it easy so far!


I've read pretty much anything I could find about greys for a couple years now but am really looking forward to learning more.

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Well welcome to the family you have come to the right place to learn about Grey ownership we have many knowledgeable people here with years of experience and that are very willing to share that experience with others. I also have a Grey that was rehomed 3 times before I got her and she was only 4 years old its so sad that these poor birds get passed from home to home constantly. I'm glad to hear that you and your Grey are hitting it off well I noticed in your avatar that his feather's and tail are a little ratty a couple of good baths will fix that up in no time. I rescued a Severe Macaw about 8 months ago and his feathers looked way worse than your bird and within a week of spraying him with the water bottle his feathers where beautiful it helps to promote proper preening and they can fix up their feathers in no time. I don't think the bird I rescued had had a bath in 6 yrs the woman I got him from developed an allergy to him after her cancer treatments and instead of rehoming him she locked him away in a room by himself with no human interaction except to give him some seeds and water poor baby.

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Thank you for the welcome! Yes, his tail is a bit ratty looking but it's from barbering which thankfully I haven't seen any sign of yet. He also plucked out his flight feathers at his old home but so far has already had a couple grow in so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

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Welcome Katie and Flock!!!


Wow, it sounds like you have quite a flock there and kudos to you for rescuing that Grey!!


Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)

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Hi Katie! Welcome to the forum! Wow do you have your hands full lol. Thats great that Nori is adjusting to your home so well and thats so nice of you to give him a loving home. Does he talk? I hope to hear more about you and your flock. We love pictures around here so feel free to share some. ;)

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Thanks everyone. Yes, he talks...and talks...and talks. He started talking the day I brought him home and now every morning and every night we chat for a couple hours. He also loves to meow like a cat and drive my dog nuts (she hates cats). He barks at her too, lol. I will post some pics today!

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