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how to know what is the best pellet food


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I am so excited I get my new baby grey this week. I have been waiting for so long. it seemed like the day would never get here.

My question to you is this... I need to know where exactly to get pellets for him and what brand. I was reading that Harrisons is like the best all natureal human grade pellets.

I just need some help of knowing what would be the healthiest pellet to feed to him and where do I get it from.? I know fruit and veggies and that I can have ready. I just need to know about the pellet part of the diet. Thank You in advance. Deb


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My best advice is to ask your breeder what brand of pellets your baby will be weaned onto, and purchase that. If you want to change it later, you may do so gradually, but for his/her homecoming you don't want to cause any undue stress with a sudden change in diet.


Chimay came to us weaned onto Zupreem Fruitblend for parrots/conures, and that's what he's been on ever since he came home. I've read a lot of posts here from users that swear by Harrisons, and in reading the information on their website it sounds like it's a really good brand. But for the time being, keep the baby on what he/she is used to. Let him/her get their bearings in the new surroundings first.

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I know a lot of avian vets recommend Harrisons but most of the pellets on the market provide what they need in nutrition with the addition of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, grains, legumes, rices and pasta. I do feed Harrisons to Josey and my sun conure.

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I have tried Harrison and Roudybush, my fids don't like them. I have tried sneaking some in with their other pellets, they refuse to eat them and eat around the Harrison or Roudybush, Ana Grey eats the Pretty Bird Species Specific African Special and my Eclectus eats Kaytee Exact Rainbow. Pellets are available 24/7 and I feed fresh vegetables (my fids prefer fresh to cooked) and fresh fruits daily. I also make available a bowl of dried vegetables and fruit. I give as treats while my fids are outside of their cages a variety of nuts and seeds throughout the day.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/07/26 22:47

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My vet carry's Harrisons but she also recomends Zupreem pellets she says Zupreem or Harrisons are the only 2 that have the quanity of vitimans and nutrition that birds need she told me not to switch from Zupreem baby formula to Exact she says Exact is no where near as nutritional as Zupreem and that goes for their pellets as well.

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Everyone has given very good advice regarding pellets.


The most important thing for you to do at first, is to continue the diet your Grey is used to from the breeder. Ask what specifically was fed to and liked by your grey such as pellets, nuts, veggies, fruits and legume mixes.


Also, it is always a good idea to have a digital scale to weigh your Grey daily to ensure it is maintaining it's weight properly. If you see a 10 percent or more weight loss from the day you bring him home, he is either not eating properly or something is wrong.


A change in diet should always be done slowly and weight measurements taken taken daily to see how your Grey is doing.


I know it seems like there is a lot to keep track of and to know, but you have a good group of people here to call on with a question. As you have already observed.


Looking forward to the homecoming and photos!! :-)

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Thank you so very much everyone for giving me help to make my babies home comming a little bit easier. I did find out that he has been eating Zupreem natural/ and slightly cooked green beans. She says he eats very well.

If this makes any sense to everyone. I am so excited but so nervous about doing the right things...

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