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Would you describe your African grey or one of your African greys as your extroverted wild one?


It dawned on me today that this is how I feel about Emma. She is such a DRAMA princess, pretty fearless and very often jumps with two feet in and throws caution to the wind. Today as I was in the kitchen washing dishes, she was in the computer room on her Atom listening to her “children’s CD. As she was listening to each song she howled along and squealed at the top of her lungs yelling out “Be careful, Be careful” while hanging upside down on her Atom with only one foot.


Truthfully, I'm not sure if I would have been drawn to her if I had met her for the FIRST time today. I'd probably imagine that she was just too much for me to handle. Then there's that part of me that feels that I must take responsibility for how she is today. Who else can I blame?


It's so weird ... when I met her at 10 weeks old - I was told that she was so timid and a bit of a scaredy cat always hiding and following her sister who hatched a few hours before her. Well let me tell you... that changed pretty rapidly after she met me because I visited her every single day until she weaned. Her sister would receive visits once a week or once every two weeks. Emma took a bloody long time to wean also. A whole 23 weeks! I felt pretty sad for her sister. I may have purchased both of them if her sister had not already been sold.


Anyways, Emma is also a smart ass.:blush: Today we had a conversation that went like this.



Emma: I love you! I love you SO much

Me: Really?

Emma: No not really. How about a scratchie?

Me: I just gave you a scratchie.

Emma: That’s right! Good Job! How about a scratchie?



I’m not complaining about my Emma but as a first time African grey owner, I have a lot to learn.


Sometimes I feel that having an African grey seems similar to having a “special needs child”. No two are alike and each can blossom in to someone you least expect them to be if given the chance.


I guess after all of my reading about african greys I still don't know what to make of Emma. This is why I am sharing.:blush:




Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/07/26 03:32


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/07/26 03:33


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/07/26 03:34


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/07/26 03:35


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/07/26 03:36


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/07/26 03:38


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/07/26 03:40<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/07/26 03:44

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Well, at least your Sachi is a quiet bird.:)


To answer your question, Whisper is not really what I would call extroverted. But she Yaks all day long and likes a lot of attention. If she were I would not be getting the Amazon. Now that will be by extroverted bird.:laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/07/26 04:32

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All greys are different, my Ana Grey is quiet usually but very vocal about three times a day. She hangs upside down by one foot occasional and wolf whistles in several different ways daily. She says about three things I can easily understand and mumbles different things I can't yet. She is independent and fearless. She is not afraid of new things and especially enjoys new toys and perches. I wouldn't trade her for any other bird. I fear for the day she becomes flighted and spots an open door for she will take flight at the first opportunity. She is so curious and she practices her crow mimics daily!!!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/07/26 18:16

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I could not call Charlie extrovert,he is a big coward when it comes to new toys and such.What I will say is that he knows what he wants and how to get it.He can be a clown at times,hanging with one foot and shouting and at other times he is very quiet.He is a hand full at times,yes, just like a toddler who needs chasing after all the time.I dont think I could cope with another one like him.I love him to bits though and would not change a thing.

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I would say that Tyco is allot like Emma fearless and jumping in with both feet and figure it out later She can be so cute sometimes you should see her preform when I have Jeepers on me. she stands on her cage and regugatates for me and dances then she will hang by her beak or one foot she screams look mom look mom she can be such a brat but I love her so much she likes for me to give her a good talking to about biting because she doesn't actually bite but she will pretend she's going too then I will say Tyco no bite mommy doesn't bite you so don't you bite mommy and then she puts her head down for scritches and is as good as gold she's a strange one thats for sure.

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Well since I have Dixie (Grey) and Sterling (U2) I would have to say my Dixie is very reserved and refined, unlike Sterling who the class clown. Just as I'm trying to type this, he's managed to jump all over my desktop, flip over the cup of paper clips and is now moving from my shoulder to the back of my chair.


Dixie prefers to see life happening - Sterling is going to be in the middle of it!




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rbpittman wrote:

Dixie prefers to see life happening


That pretty much describes Josey, she is pretty much content to sit on her perches and watch what is going on instead of instigating it, maybe she is my little angel.


She does get boisterious with some of her toys, especially her bell but as far as trying to cause trouble she doesn't. When I first got her she was fearless of new toys but now she is wary of anything new, she kind of sits aside and watches me with it first, like a new food she wants to see me eat it first.


She does sometimes hang from one foot in her cage and she is fond of flipping around when hanging by both feet, it looks uncomfortable but she does it from time to time and usually right after I uncover her in the mornings, maybe it is her way of stretching out after a good night's rest, who knows.


I love to hear of the stories of Emma and her antics and I don't know why she is the way she is but you got a gold mine.

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