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The Evil Flyswatter


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Thursday, Kim had 2 fly's in the house. Dayo was up on "his" wine rack thinking life is good.


Kim gets the flyswatter and waits for a fly to land and "BAM" one fly down.


Dayo flinches and says "Sh!t!!!!"


The second fly lands about 30 seconds later, "BAM", the second fly eats it.


Dayo flinches and says "G@d D@mnit!!!!!!, Noooo!!!!!!. :evil:


End of The Evil Flyswatter story. :P

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"Dayo is so brilliant.(Yes he is!) Learning those words all by himself." (Yes, he did!)(dave007)


"shame on you Dan and don't blame it on Kim (Thank You Judy!)and never the grandkids!" (judygram)


I just had to laugh out loud when I read these replies. Can't pull anything over on you....huh!


Actually, Dayo did learn these 2 words from a family member, but it was not I, or Dan. We have grounded this family member from saying these words (or any other rainbow words)in our home. People just don't think before they engage their mouth.


Whenever these 2 words slip out of Dayo, I always say in a loving tone, "Dayo, no, no. Those are bad words." He always turns his head sideways, and looks at me with both eyes. Then I pick him up, and we hug. He understands.

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HeatherStrella wrote:

LOL...what a great story!! Do you have a blog or something where you keep track of such events? If so, I wanna see if possible. :) He sounds like a wonderful bird!


You know Heather, thats a great idea. I do not presently have an official blog of all the events that take place with Dayo and his antics.


I need to start one, perhaps on Facebook. These Greys are so smart that they remind me of our children growing up and all the things they did almost each day that just elated, engaged and amazed us.


I would like to see others do so as well, like you heather. :-)


I know every person here has a lot to share about the antics of their Greys and I would truly enjoy reading them and also seeing photos and videos of them. We have many members here and only a few seem to post these events....ahem.....Dave007, Judy, Penny, Heather, Tycosmom, luvparrots, Char, Sheila, Jan, davey, Casper, Jane, dhorje....and on and on.... :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/26 14:12

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