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A couple of weeks ago I made a post about a neighbours cat bothering the birds when they are in the aviary.I am glad to report that following the vets advise the aviary now has a double skin of wire about 2 inches apart so little paws cant get close to the birds.I am also glad to say that I have not seen the cat for a while now so he must be entertaining himself elsewhere.All is well in the aviary.

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Thanks Dan and Judy.Its a very simple but efective solution.The cat may still hang round but cant harm the birds at all,unless they panic like Cracker did.I feel more at ease with them outside now.

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I know how you feel I have screens on all my windows so I can open them and the birds can get the much needed natural light coming in the cat from across the street sits outside my Amazons window all day long watching and trying to figure out if he can get to the bird. I sic my dogs on that cat every time I see him they don't bite but they chase him away for awhile that cat always always comes back I hate it because it makes Fergie nervous.

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