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Redtail Boa(Snake) Vs African Grey?


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I once kept 13 snake, but until 2 month ago I sold them all to buy my 1st African grey. I was wondering if i made the right choice. Base on my analysis, I think the african grey would make a better companion and cost wise.


Base on 1 Snake vs 1 parrot:


snake = $5 weekly feeding plus special lighting = $25 monthly


CAG = $25 feeds for 3 month = $8 monthly


Snake law is getting tougher versus bird little or no law.



It not base all on money wise, but i really think CAG really communicate and response to us better. On the snake forum, those people think otherwise. They all say i was stupid and shouldnt waste my time with birds.


I know each forum will defend their creature :) I am open minded to all response



Thank you

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They are totally different pets. From the studies out there, CAGs (birds in general) are way smarter than snakes. African grey are considered on par with primates. They can have the mental capacity of a 4 yr old human and the emotional capacity of a 2 yr old. They demonstrate cognitive reasoning, problem solving skills, tool use and of course the ability to communicate. Some learn words and form their own sentences to communicate. I am not talking about repeating, I am talking about the animal choosing the words it wants and logically combining them.


Snakes are very interesting animals in their own right. Very successful from an evolutionary standpoint. They have been around a long long time. I personally have had several (gopher snake, garter snake, ball python). None have even come close in comparison to companion birds as pets, in my assessment.

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No. question here..........I feel the love & companionship from a grey much more than from a snake.:cheer:

And I have had snakes in the past, so I base this on my own experience. Besides, I like to talk, and have my grey talk back. But everyone is different, and has their own opinions. What ever makes you that happiest.:) :)

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Guest Monique

I go with the other person who says what do you want in a pet? As I don't know lots about snakes but could offer insites as to if a Grey would help fill your desires in a pet?


Greys also need LOTS of toys and lots of things to shred - be sure to add that into your cost. You also need to invest 3-4 hours/day with them. They will not be happy just sitting in their cage all day. Ideally they are out a minimum of twice each day on average.

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I think snakes are fascinating. But in my preferences, I prefer what a bird has to offer as a companion. So that's why I got a Grey.


It seems as if you having 13 snakes were getting bored with them if you sold them all. Perhaps another challenge as far as pets are concerned has your interest. It all boils down to what you want from your little buddy.


I value things like obvious intelligence, emotions and the shear look of the animal. Not saying snakes don't fulfill these categories but in my mind, a bird is better suited.


One good thing about a snake though is that it won't ever repeat dirty words in front of guests to your home!:whistle:

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Is it me or am I missing something here in this discussion? First let me tell you I had a 6 foot long 12 inch round Boa Constrictor. From a pet standpoint.. It's the dumbest pet I ever had.. Unless of course you are the type that loves to see it kill and eat.. Which by the way is one of the reasons people buy snakes.. and don't be mistaken by that.. They get a thrill at watching it kill. There will often be debates of these forums as to what snake is the best KILLER ..


Not me brother.. Not any more... To even put a snake and an African Grey in the same paragraph is so far off the mark it's incredible.. I almost think this thread is a joke..


Forgive me as I am not looking to start any Snake flame war..<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/07/10 03:39

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Base on what i got from everyone both from the snake forum and this forum. I came to relize that snake and parrot are two different things.


Snakes are more like a display....as same to aquarium




Parrot as more to a companionship :)



thanx for everyone help :)

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Ma12cus504 -


Thank you for posting here and researching this issue. African geys and parrots in general are fabulous pets to keep and friends to have. That being said providing these birds a home to ensure health and happiness is much more demanding than a snake would ever be. The decision to own a parrot requires careful consideration and evaluation of your life, to help ensure you are both suited (bird and owner) to living together. These guys require a lot of time and constant interaction.


Should you choose to embark on this adventure it is a life long committment. I am comforted and happy to see someone like yourself coming to realize this and applaud your investigation before rushing out to buy some trophy pet.


All the best in your decisisions. If we can provide more assistance please let us know. B)

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Guest briansmum

i am inclined to point out that if you are doubting selling your snakes to buy a grey, don't get the grey. you need to be 100% you can provide the home, love and patience the grey needs before buying one. and if you always have your snakes at the back of your mind then your grey is never going to live up to yor expectations. please don't think i am having a go. i am simply pointing out the cold hard facts, you either 100% want a grey or you dont want one at all.:)

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CeasarsDad wrote:

Forgive me as I am not looking to start any Snake flame war..


Oh my sweet god CD, you're a genius. "Snake Flame War" It's like the perfect name for an action movie! And Jean Claude Van Dam could play the snake. I dunno who would be the Grey though..

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