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Question about aviator harness?


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I understand the harness comes with a leash. How long is this leash and is a good length for the bird to fly with? Is it probably best to buy the flightline with the harness? I would like to get one for my baby to get used to, but unsure about the leash size.


Maybe just order the harness and leash to get him used to it and then order a flightline if I think I need to!?:S

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I just got mine the other day and it came with an instructional video, the total length of the harness and leash is about four to five feet, I got a small harness in anticipation of my TAG as that is what it recomended there is about three or four feet of a bungee cord, the video shows them using it and it seems like the can fly about five feet from you, they recommended if you want to give them more room to but one of those retractable leashes, they even show some of the people using them in the video, you can find them at the pet store and they have a button that allows you to lock the leash at a certain length and then retract it. I was hoping to get the harness and start getting my baby used to it but the very first part of the video tells you not to put it on them until you have watched the video and know exactly how to put it on. There are three different handling actions that your bird has to get used to like lifting his wings without touching him underneath them, or putting your hands over his head and eyes and gently pushing them off balance. I am so exited to get to try it out but like anything else it will take time. I want it to get used to us and the house first and then use the harness.

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Give them a mile and they'll take it! Harvey will fly all over the garden on his Aviator and leash - we haven't taken him flying in an open area, just in the garden - where he'll fly from his perch to the top of the fence, top of the conservatory, top of the garage roof etc - he doesn't try to make an "Escape to Victory". We ALWAYS supervise him and he is never left alone. I should really be on commission for the manufacturers! I (and Harvey) love the Aviator (after initial disasters)! Enjoy - it's fab ;)

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