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Pet Store


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This evening James and I went to visit a local pet store, we had not been in sometime 4-5 months and what we saw when we went in is disgusting! Anyone with half a brain could see their birds are in distress.. first let me give you an idea of what this shop looks like, its like anyother huge store front, windows all across the front, well in front of those windows is an aviary full of finches parakeets and doves, with many many nesting boxes inside, NO food and only 1 water bottle!!, now to the side of that was a fish tank with the sadest looking baby CAG I have ever seen, he is about 7-8 weeks of age, just guessing by the feathers and size.. with a mesh screen on top and a heating lamp ontop, the poor baby has NO WATER and is sitting in the corner panting!! I flew off the deep end already, asking a million questions, which of course the person working there has no answers like hoe much does he eat.. when was the last time he was fed?? she could not answer any of my questions... so her answer was to turn off the lamp and call her boss..After breathing for a few minutes i walked the window wall of birds finches parakeets conures all in tiny stacked cages hanging from ceiling, the conure had trouble standing straight, when i reach the end of this wall is a 4 month old blue and gold macaw, huttled down on a perch, wimpering, tiny food in a bowl and dirty water no toys no way to stand flat, after giving the lady a dirty look, I asked about him also, she told me that was taught to hand feed yesterday and give the baby 40cc's this morning, but by the look of the baby he didn't get it all as he was covered in formula, so i asked to hold him, jsut tto try to comfort him, as they wouldnt let me hold the grey, they unlocked the cage asked the baby to step up and the baby just fell backwards landing right on it right side, they didint try again, and wouldnt let me get him off the floor of his cage saying " oh he does that all time" he is fine!??? so I insisted again and they tried to pick him up but he just held his ground litterally so they gave up... I'm sorry this is so long but it really bothers me!! alright to get to the end, right to the right of the macaw is a cockatoo, screaming and lunging the cage, his name is isaac, which isaac has his own story but i will save that for later. Isaac has no toys green water and parakeet food to eat... one of the people that works there walks over to him and hits the cage.. making isaac stop pacing and tell the bird to shut the f%#$ up, and then says something in spanish so I cannot understand.. So now I am just about in tears I am so angry and can't even make a sentence, james said to me we HAVE to leave as he knows my temper... well to make a LONG story even longer... who should I contact about these people?? we have no animal control and the humane society is in Boston, I left a message before but no response.. Any ideas??

thanks for reading my book {Feel-bad-0002006A}{Feel-bad-0002006A}

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We have heard this before but it is still disgusting to hear, there are many reputable pet stores that sell birds and they take care of them properly but there are others where they just don't give a rat's patootie about the birds welfare, they are only concerned about the almighty dollar. I am so sorry that you found one of them Bonnie and I can imagine it made you sick to your stomach to see the condition under which these birds are kept, no wonder it made you so mad, I would have been also.


I am not exactly sure who you would report this to but if you check around I am sure you will find out and hopefully this place will either have to clean up their act or get out of business.


Good luck to you Bonnie and please let us know what you find out.

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:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:


Go back and get photos, if you can. Maybe act like your really interested in getting a bird and you want to share the photos with a friend that knows about them.


If Boston is the closest humane society is in Boston or there isn't an Animal Control that is responsible for your area in that county (which there should be) then go to the police (though I doubt they will do anything).


Submit the photos along with your story to the Humane Society and maybe even try a local news channel on TV to see if they would like to pick up a story on animal cruelty.


It's always sad to hear things like this, but in reality the only time something is done about it, is if a knowledgeable person like you brings it to the right peoples attention. Most people visiting the shop don't have a clue that all is not well.

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well I thought I would give everyone an update, I went back yesterday to the pet store armed with my smallest camera, I had my friend walk by and try to take some from the outsaide of the building, couldn't see anything on those UGH! So I went inside, and as soon as I took the camera out, someone told me "Cameras are not allowed her Ma'am" I tried a long list of excuses but to no avail.. I WILL find a way to get these people.. lol oh but they did tell me they have a website with pics of all there animals on it.. web address not found!

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That figures Bonnie, of course they don't want pictures taken for they know they have something to hide.:angry:


Have you been in touch with the local police to see if they know who you could contact to get something done?


I know you will get these people to clean up their act so keep us informed.

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ok I went to the store again this morning, and was actually able to speak with the owner and his wife, now at first they tried to to tell me that I do not know what I am talking about, but then after much insisting from to shut up and listen I actually took them around a tour of Their OWN store pointing out EVERY flaw lol.. it took a while, but I explained that things were not right friday when we went there and that no amount of sorrys will ever make me forget the neglect, so now they are promising to clean everything up and put toys, more than the ones I shoved in the cages, and a lager cage for the B&G and to get poor isaac out of the store, which now worries me because I dont want him put back in back room alone oops! So hopefully this goes well and they smarten up, but i PRomised to be back to make sure...

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OMG How horrible that is! This makes me so mad. I am so glad you are trying to do something about it Bonnie. Have you tried calling the Humane society yet? Or writing a letter to them? Ughhh I HATE people like them. Those poor birds. :( :( :angry: :angry:

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Good for you Bonnie, they know now that you are more knowledgeable than they figured and you may have to keep going back from time to time to make sure things are going in the right direction but they at least know they are being watched, karma for you for keeping after this situation.


I would still find out who you can report them to in case they don't clean up their act, those birds deserve nothing less.

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