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Always Hungry??


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I was just thinking today, whenever I go up to see my baby he's ALWAYS hungry... I know he is being fed enough he has 3 meals a day with sometimes a tide over until the next meal, but it makes visiting with him really difficult as all he does is lunge for fingers and bob, does this calm down?? My cousin who is hand feeding for me doesn't seem that concerned, but we would really love to get some time with him without constantly moving away his bobbing head so we doin't make him to tired.. This is my selfish side showing.. and I have tried moving out of the kitchen where is fed and go into the living room thinking maybe the change in habit would make him calm down, and it does but only for a few minutes then he is back to hungry grey we know and love!! what do you all think??{Emotions-00020075}

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He will eventually calm down. He is just a baby and he is doing what he does best. You should avoid touching his beak area because there is a spot that sends a trigger for him to pump for food. Ecko use to do this to our fingers all the time. He calmed down after he learned how to fly, once he flew thats all he wanted to do lol. Has he started nibbling on solid foods yet?

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He is surposed to be starting on monkey biscuits??? this week, and he also absolutely loves they baby food, but it is only stage one so no solids yet, my cousin has hand fed alot of babies all are now very healthy happy adults so I am trying not question his methods to much, but from seeing where other 9 week old babies are, Should I be concerned? I have to go visit sometime today so I will ask my usual thousand questions.

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mine is 14 weeks an he still does this, if i touch his beak and go near him he does a really quiet screaming whyning noise and head bobs and even opens his wings, i know mines alot older than urs but why is he still doing it? when will it stop?

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mine is 14 weeks an he still does this, if i touch his beak and go near him he does a really quiet screaming whyning noise and head bobs and even opens his wings, i know mines alot older than urs but why is he still doing it? when will it stop?

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mine is 14 weeks an he still does this, if i touch his beak and go near him he does a really quiet screaming whyning noise and head bobs and even opens his wings, i know mines alot older than urs but why is he still doing it? when will it stop?

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