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Dangling carrot


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Cleo has me in hysterics this morning. I gave her warm baby food, carrots and rice this time, and she was loving it as usual, gulping down big beak fulls.


I stood and watched her eat. She looked up at me and she noticed there was a big drip of food hanging from her beak, so out came the tongue to try and lick it off. That didn't work, tongue wasn't long enough. So she stretched out her neck to see if that would bring the food drip closer. Still no go, all the while she was looking rather cross eyed at the tip of her beak.


She then took a few steps on her perch to try and chase down that elusive carrot and rice drip. She ended up chasing up and down on her perch for a bit in an attempt to get at the tip of her beak. Eventually the food just fell of, which left Cleo sitting there with a rather confused look on her face.


Hmmm, it sure seemed a lot funnier watching her do this, rather than writing about it lol.

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