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Visited Breeder


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Hey everyone. Wanted to start a fresh thread since last one got a little big.


Well i visited the breeder that was 30miles away. He had 4 10week babies available. 2 of the 4 were very protective of their space, when i got close to their cage they would hiss at me. There were 2 other ones in another cage. They seemed more calm, but 1 did the hiss thing again. And the last one was very calm, but scared. The breeder took out all 4 and i had a chance to play with them. 3 of them just were trying to fly and ran away from me. The calm one just stayed in its place and let me scratch his head, but opened his mouth when i moved my had fast/swift. I decided to get one from the breeder and left a deposit and i am going to pick up tomorrow. My question is, should i get the calm one, you guys think their might be something wrong with it, and why its not running away like the others.


The breeder has been giving them mixed seeds. I will be stopping by a pet shop, what kind of feed should i get for a 10week old?

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This is the first time they have seen you and so you are a stranger to them so don't worry about that. I don't think there is anything wrong with the calm one just it's personality is different from the other 3. I would visit with them another time or two before I picked one out, maybe it will pick you sometimes it happens that way.

I would get Harrison's High Potency pellets, they are recommended by most vets.

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Ive only met the bird once, and i will be taking it home tomorrow, is that a problem?


And for those of you who have had your birds since they were babies, did they have behavior like hissing?


I also tried offering it a seed and it hit my finger, as if it was knocking out of my hand or out of its face.<br><br>Post edited by: paullywalnuts, at: 2007/07/09 04:33

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I'm pretty sure mine did a little growling, you are new to them so they are naturally afraid, but if you are bringing it home tomorrow stay and observe them and see if one seems to accept you before the others do, if so that is the one to pick.

Let us know how things go and how you decided on the one you picked and get some photos of you new little one.

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Oh that's great. A new Greyowner. Congratulations Paullywalnuts. Let us know how you get on and which one you took in the end.


It's so hard to say which one to take from hearing about it. I think you have to see them to 'know' - there are, after all, also feelings attached in it and those depend a lot on visual contact as well, no?

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Guest briansmum

i agree with judy when you go again take a little time picking carefully, if possible let the bird pick you. as for the calm bird, it depends how calm it is, if it just sits fluffed up in a ball, doesn't make any sound or attempt to get you then i would be inclined not to take that one. if it was moving about and acting normal and just generally wasn't bothered by you then it most likely fine. i second the feed advice aswell. harrisons pellets are the best, i believe they have extra calcium in them so you dont need to feed a supliment. the high potency variety is the best for young birds.

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To be honest I would not get one from this breeder that fast. Visit a few more time see if any of them warm up to you.

My grey has never hissed at me even when she was six months old and first come home all she did was coo coo coo sounds.

I don't believe I would of paid for her had she hissed/growled at me.

But she is a TAG maybe that is why she never growls? Or Im just lucky.

But slow down go a few more times. And good luck.

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I don't know what you must do, but I just want to say that my grey did hish and growl to me the first couple of days, but thereafter she accepted me and haven't done it since, she only does it sometimes to people she doesn't know:lol:

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They will growl when they are very frightened, especially when they are so young. But since Talon can be a little on the feisty side.....I would go with the calmer one. But you really need to visit again and spend time with them all, and see which one just feels special to you. :cheer: :cheer:


Good luck and let us know!!<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/07/09 17:16

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;) That is very good advice from Talon, do that and I think you will be happy at the end when you make your choice, you must remember once you got your grey, it's for life because chances are good he will outlive you B)
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