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Bird overload! Need support!


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So, you may or may not remember that I recently took in two parrots from an older gentleman who is making plans for them as he feels he's not much longer for this world. Both of them are great little birds, one is a tail plucker and skin mutilator. We've been to the vet and she's in a collar right now. The other is very mild mannered and sweet (to me). I already had my senegal and my timneh. We had a nice routine and life was good. Now, life is chaos! I'm overloaded! I took the other two birds as a foster situation but I've fallen in love with them both. I don't know what to do. I'm hoping it will pass and things will settle down soon. The biggest problem is that my grey bullies the other three. I have to give them separate out of cage time now and supervise her constantly or she will be on their cages terrorizing them. She wasn't like this before I got them. I could just open their cages and let them roam (while I was home of course) How do those of you with multiple birds manage it? Can I expect my grey to calm down in the future? I understand she may be jealous or wants to be dominant maybe but she's making me crazy right now!


Sorry for the rant, just needed somebody to talk to. It doesn't help that my husband is out of town for the week so I have no help with them right now.



EDIT- Would it help to clip her wings? (the grey) She is quite good at flying now and I had intended to let her remain flighted but maybe she has too much power over the others that way?<br><br>Post edited by: Pchela, at: 2009/07/23 19:18

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You could do that and it would help to calm him down I had to give my Amazon a minor clip when she was very hormonal and I must say it did wonders to calm her down she didn't talk to my for 3 day because she was so mad but she got over it and loves me again if you do decide to clip mabie just the first 3or 4 flight feathers and see how he does you can always cut more but you can't put back if you cut to much.

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