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Changes in his behavior.


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Let us know this evening when you get home how things go with him being moved around a little bit! And if nothing has changed, Dont give up yet, It probably takes some time...He is a smart little stinker though, I do believe, lol, So I am sure you trying all of these things will set him strait!

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my vet does it the same way and actually showed me how todo that I have held a few birds like that when needed like to trim nails or when they are hurt and I need to look them over to see how bad it is. I think every bird owner should now how to hold a bird in the vet hold its a important thing to know. I love that you taught your Cockatoo not to bite like this Its a great way to get their attention Quickly you can make them look right at you when you say no bite and really let them know you mean it.

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Things are slowly getting better. Last night we had some alone time and he was being so good for me. He was sitting on his perch and being a good boy for awhile, he usually is all over the place getting into everything so it was shocking how calm he was lol. I let him sit there and have his alone time and then after a while he flew over to me and put his head down for a head rub. He was being very sweet and I don't even remember getting a bite from him last night. So things are getting better.:silly:


P.S. I like your new siggy lovethatgrey, very cute! And thanks for asking how things are going with Ecko. ;)<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/07/25 23:06

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