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Parrot Boarding - Long Term


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Hi All,


So it's been a long time since I have posted as I have been tremendously busy with my two greys, new flat, new job and studying (all at once......phew!!)


I am posting as I am in a predicament and need information and advice.


I have two greys (Ice and Indy) and they have been with me for a while. Our home is in London but for work purporses we moved to manchester for a short period of time.


When we were looking for a flat we made sure that we could bring our greys with us. We have recently moved into a place and have since been told that we have to give up our birds as the leaseholder has signed an agreement to a no pets policy (this is throughout the building). We were totally unaware of this and had we known we would have not moved in.


As we have already put down the deposit and signed an agreement we have to honour it but I do not want to re-home my birds.


I am looking into alternatives and am looking in to long term boarding close to where we live so we can visit them regulary. It breaks my heart to have to do this. Does anyone know of a parrot boarding/hotel closed to Manchester/Lancashire?



I am desperate for some help.


Any advice welcome





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I feel for you so much! What a predicament to be in!

How long do you need to board the birds for?

Let us know and we will all help you try and find somewhere.


I wonder if we have any members near you what would be able to help out!


I am in the Leeds area but would not have room for another two greys. I am quite limited with space having three cages. Are you wanting to board the birds together and are they in seperate cages?


Lets hope we can help out:)

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Hi Casper,


Thanks for your support. We are looking in to parrot boarders and we come across midland parrots. They have a lot birds and lots of experience but they are a two hour drive away. I wouldnt mind travelling but I would like them to be closer so I can keep in contact regularly.


They have been together since nov 2008 and though they dont get on they do enjoy being together.


I am looking to board them for 12 months (sob). I would provide cages, food toys and pay for their maintenance etc. I dont want to lose them and this is the best way I have found that will allow me to have them back, once I go back to london.


I want them to be well looked after by someone who knows how to care for them.


If anyone can help, please post or PM me.



Nims<br><br>Post edited by: nims, at: 2009/07/23 14:25

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Is it not possible to get your deposit back and find another apartment since the "Rules" changed AFTER you placed the deposit?


You were very cautious in insuring the apartment you found and placed the deposit on did allow pets and parrots.

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We have sought permission to keep our birds but this has been declined and we have been told to remove them.


We cant ge our money and we would lose our deposit that we paid. as we are committed we simply can't afford to move again.

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That's sad! I hope you are able to find a good place to board them. Do you have any relatives that might be able to help? I'm in the US so unfortunately I'm no help...maybe one of the other members in your area could offer some assistance. Keep us updated on your situation.

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I'm sorry but you signed a lease that allowed pets. Now that they've changed the terms of the contract, you are no longer bound.


I would see a lawyer and ask them to send a letter threatending legal action to break the lease if they don't release you. Usually, they will release you rather than deal with the hassle of a drawn out affair.


You could send a letter on your own; but, unfortunately they may pay more notice to one from a lawyer.


The lawyer might do it for a low fee.

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The situation is that we sought permission from the landlord to have the bird which we obtained.


It turns out that he has originally signed a contract with building management not allowing any pets in the properties and this is now being reinforced.


The letting agency have done what they can to negotiate but there is very little I could do.



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Does your lease say that you cannot have pets? If it does not then they cannot enforce it on you. If you did not know about the agreement that he had that with them then that is his problem if he is now in trouble with the management. I am having a hard time here distinguishing between the landlord and the management of this property. Where I live the landlord is the owner and might have another a management company running the day to day operations of the property. Can you clarify this?


I would think that if he knew you had the pets and let you move in then they cannot force you to get rid of the pet which in most cases would be like getting rid of a family member. I would not think he could do anything until your current lease is up. I would talk to an attorney. I used to work in property management but realize things may different where you live.

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Did the lease you sighed specify no pets? Have you talked directly to the management company and explained your situation? I believe they should give your deposit back if they knew you had pets. It would certainly be quite unfair to not give you the opportunity to quit the premises if they later changed the rules. A consultation with a legal representative to find out your rights would be my way to go if you can't resolve this amicably first. Good luck Nims. I wish I could help but I am in the US.

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Personally I would keep the birds there anyway and tell them to go **** themselves. If they want to evict you after the trouble you went to find somewhere that you could take your pets then tell them to do so, it will cost them money and take about 6 months in legal procedures. dont lie there and take it.

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Hi All,


So after much consideration and log discussions with my husband we have decided to move and try to recover the cost.


We love our greys too much to be without them and are looking to move to a parrot friendly flat.


I will let you know how it goes.





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This is fantastic news!

I also think a year would have been too long, you would have been heartbroken without your babies.


I am so pleased you will be staying together as a family. Keep us posted with your new home.:)

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