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Harrison's Bird Food


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Alright bird people, im guilty, I did it!!! I bought the Harrison's high potency pelleted bird food. I invest a lot of time and my money $$$ on my animals because I truly want them to have the best. As keepers whatr else can we do other than offer our pets the optimum conditions? I digress. So I ordered a 1 lb. bag of Harrison's high potency formula and just recieved it today. I looked at the bag, read the ingredients, and I was sold:woohoo: Now, after spending $15 + on a pound of bird food :pinch: (boy im always complaining at dog food prices) the only question left to be answered was " Is Congo going to eat this? " I had just fed her the usual afternoon veggie fest: zuchini, cauliflower, baby lima beans, corn, and green beans. Initially I wanted to hold back saying to myself "she is full". But when I opened up the bag and took a whiff:huh: :huh: I decided to give this food a try! I fed her only 10 pellets...hmmm yeah its expensive:whistle: and set it in the cage. Congo looked at it and I was surprised! She went straight for it and after a quick examination bang she took a pellet. Congo seemed very interested and it seemed to me she was actually tasting the pellets holding one in her claws....she was chewing away and it looked to me as if she actually swallowed one or two pellets!! I was astonished at the feeding response WOW!! Keep in mind this was right after eating a large portion of veggies!!! So, after about six pellets her curiosity wore off and ignored the food but in a satisfactory way. In my opinion, Harrison's paased the test and met my expectaions...let's see how it goes from here on. The only regret I have buying Harrison's is: What am I going to do with 2 lbs. of Zupreem??:dry: Congo_Pics_005.jpg


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Congradulations Roger on making a successful switch!! I myself have never tried Harrisons but I'm sure there will come a day when I do. I hope I have the success that you did. I have been on this kick where I am feeding them more nuts. That is one thing they all agree is good.:laugh:


Great pic on Congo too!

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Thanks Erika;) Well its Friday and Congo is eating Harrison's like a trash compactor. I left a good amount of pellets in her food bowl and when I returned from work it was all gone!! I looked at her cage tray that I line with news paper and saw nothing but fine dust of what used to be Harrison's pellets. Her bowl had that fine dust of the pellets. One thing that has totally surprised me is that Congo eats this food and wastes so little of it, I mean close to nothing!!!:ohmy: When she was eating Zupreem the volume of waste was ridiculous. I would have to say that when I fed her a serving of Zupreem 35-40% was lost on the cage bottom. That's the reason I was so skeptical about Harrison's...I mean what's the point of buying a super premium food if you can't get your bird to consume a substantial amount of it? Since I have been feeding servings of Harrison's I would say the the loss is 10% or less. I think it even opens her apetite because she is consuming her daily portions of fruit, vegetables, and seeds completely. If Congo continues to consume the Harrison's like this it is probably the best food nutrition wise and value wise too. Sorry for the rant;)

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Thats good news Roger. :-)


It does get expensive buying Harrison's the way grey it's it, not much and just bites one, it crumbles into pieces and he chew the very minute piece in his beak and walks away.....


I feed him many veggies, bean mixes, fruits, seeds and nuts to keep him on a balanced diet.


It's really good to hear from you and hope to hear from you more often. You are always missed. :-)

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It's great to read that she is taking to the Harrison's.


I personally provide two type of pellets. Roudybush and Harrisons. I feel it's a good idea so that I don't ever have to be completely dependent on one company. It's good to have a backup plan just in case one product is not available for some reason or the other.




EmmaSachiSigImage.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/07/25 22:02

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For a new baby comming home. How much would you put in a dish like fill it and let them choose how much they want or do you messure it? Also I see alot of people talking about the fine. is that like a grounded up type or is it like a softer pellet? I am new so I still have alot of questions but I want to be prepared when I bring him home friday..

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When our breeder gave us our homecoming instructions for Chimay, she had told us to make sure he has pellets available to him at all times. So we do! :) We fill his cage and tree stand bowls with fresh pellets each day, and he gets fresh pellets in his night cage with him for bedtime (I've heard him....he's a midnight snacker. Ha ha).

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chimaysmommy wrote:

When our breeder gave us our homecoming instructions for Chimay, she had told us to make sure he has pellets available to him at all times. So we do! :) We fill his cage and tree stand bowls with fresh pellets each day, and he gets fresh pellets in his night cage with him for bedtime (I've heard him....he's a midnight snacker. Ha ha).


Yeah I must agree with you. Ever since I got Congo I always have pellets available for her 24/7 in the cage. I have heard her eat at night often. The breeder I got her from told me that although I should offer fruits and veggies daily it is highly beneficial that pellets should be the staple food and the major food source that she consumes. Even Harrison's says that their food should not be supplemented and that veggies and fruit should not consist of more than 10% of a grey's diet. Initially I thought 10% is a very little amount percentage wise but then again, "What's the use of a super premium food if your bird does not consume a substantial amount or volume of it?" It makes sense to me. I don't have too much time during the day like most of us here, so about 85% of the veggies I feed Congo are frozen. Frozen vegetables do not contain the same amount of nutrients than fresh ones. So why would I opt to feed my grey something with an inferior nutritional value in contrast to something 100% nutritious like the Harrison's pellets. I do feed way over 10% veggies and fruit though about 30% of her diet but I make sure that Congo eats her fair share of pellets first early during the day.

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Hey don't worry, I too caved into Harrison a few months back. I mix it in with their normal food that I provide them so that they don't need just the Harrison as a main course meal. Saves me money that way, yet they still get the best at the same time. :P

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sixwings wrote:

Hey don't worry, I too caved into Harrison a few months back. I mix it in with their normal food that I provide them so that they don't need just the Harrison as a main course meal. Saves me money that way, yet they still get the best at the same time. :P


Sounds good sixwings I will try that too. I got 2 lbs. of Zupreem that I will mix in with the Harrison until the Zupreem runs out. Then it will be strictly Harrison's from then.

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