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Do you have a strict no-shoulder policy?


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Everything I've read--here and elsewhere--discourages having your bird on your shoulder.


I guess this is because it puts them in a position of dominance? Then they can also be in a position to bite or hurt you inadvertently or not. I'm not 100% clear on this; but, I've done my best to remove Benji everytime he lands on or climbs up there.


But he is soooooo perisitent. So awhile ago he crept up my arm, to the shoulder and snuggled my head, groomed me a little, and just gurgled and coooed with delight.


So I'm asking do you recommend a strict no-shoulder policy? Once in a while or not at all? Thanks

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I believe it is each owner's personal choice, if you feel comfortable with your grey on your shoulder then by all mean allow it. I allow Josey on my shoulder for short periods of time, she behaves herself, comes down if I ask and I keep an eye out for her body language and if I have any doubt then I don't allow her there.


Josey is a real sweet grey, she has never bitten me, she has beaked me or pushed at me with her beak to show me she doesn't want me doing something she doesn't like but I am well aware of her when she is shouldering me.


Some of the other members do allow their grey on their shoulders and some don't, you have to decide for yourself if you can handle it.

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Adaya hangs out on my shoulder all the time. Tyco doesn't even try I don't let her because I can't trust her not to bite. all of my other birds are permited on my shoulder because they are very well behaved and when I ask them to step up they will. I think its totally up to each person weather or not you allow them on your shoulder it also depends on the type of personality that your bird has for some birds its just not a good Idea to have them on your shoulder I think with most birds its ok.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/07/23 03:28

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Whisper is 19 months old. She spends a lot of time on my shoulder. I think it depends on the personality of your bird. Whisper is just like Judy's bird. Sweet and docile. She has never bitten me. I trust her completely and will continue to until she gives me reason not to.


She does get over excited with toys though so I don't give her toys when she is on my shoulder. I don't play rough with her on my shoulder either. I just love the fact that she will sit on my shoulder and talk to me.


Some people believe that Greys don't have the height dominance issues that some birds do. Whisper doesn't seem to. She loves to sit up high on the shower curtain rod when I am in the bathroom but will step down to me when I ask her to. It just depends on your bird.


The DYH Amazon that I am getting will not be going to my shoulder. They are just too unpredictable.

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I think it's ok as long as your bird understands and listens to you when you ask to: Step up, Step down, as well as he should have to follow the rules of NO nibbling, playing with jewelry, clothes, ears etc.


I allow Dalia on my shoulder, She is there as I type this... Only because she listens and follows through when I ask her to step up. Also follows the "rules".


She knows she is not supposed to be playing with my earing or ear etc but, she breaks the rules once in while. She is then taken down from my shoulder and placed in my lap or on her playstand.


So It really is up to you though and has a lot to do with wether or not you feel comfortable having your Grey there.


B) Cristen

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Ana Grey has probably been on my shoulder not more than 5 times. I don't particular like my birds on my shoulder that close to my face, plus I have a birthmark on my neck that is an attraction for her. She really prefers to sit on my chest and get her cuddles and I prefer to be able to see what she is up to.

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myafricanqueen wrote:

So It really is up to you though and has a lot to do with wether or not you feel comfortable having your Grey there.


Judy wrote:

Thats it in a nutshell!!


Judy, let me be the first to congratulate you on the discovery you've just come across. Way to go girl!!

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Cleo loves sitting on my shoulders for cuddles, or just to chill out. She will even perch up on one foot and have a snooze when sitting there.


I have also read that AGs don't have the height dominance issues commonly found with other birds.


Cleo for the most part is very gently and sweet. She does like to play rough and once in a while forgets herself and clamps on to my nose with a firm pinch. A stern reminder of "no biting" usually does the trick. And if she does it again, she is returned to the cage for 10 minutes time out.

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No to this question, as long as they behave. ;) Talon always behaves herself, she has learned. But Rikki is still learning, and if she starts to nibble, off she goes, onto her treestand or the back of the couch.

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I used to let Harley sit on my shoulder. He can be a bit unpredictable at times, so now I don't. He went through a stage where I could barely pick him up without him drawing blood, and he still has his "I'm-gonna-get-you" moments. I don't think I could trust him that close to my face.

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Chimay is almost always on my shoulder... I've only had one occasion where he went for my earring but surprisingly after the time out that followed he hasn't had any interest in it since. We do keep a good eye on his body language but he is very well behaved on the shoulder. As was mentioned earlier, he loves to just perch there while I watch TV and will sometimes go one footed for a quick nap. All in all, I agree that it depends on the personality and how well behaved they can be.

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I do let Charlie on my shoulder but pick the moment.Never if I have on ear rings.I judge his mood.He steps up from my shoulder very well but some days he is a grouch and best left to his cage top or stand.

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I allow Koko to sit on my shoulder for a short while in the house. I hate getting bombed. I managed to train Koko not to perch on my shoulder when I took her out for a walk. She used to bite my ear and bombed on me while walking outdoor. I forced her to perch on my fingers each time when I took her out. After a few weeks of hard training, she finally got the message.

Now I enjoy walking with her without getting my shirt stained. It's kind of embarrass walking with your shirt stained with poop especially red ones.

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I read all of that too about shouldering before getting Harvey - so discouraged it early on. I say early on as it is Harvey's favorite position. He climbs there, sticks his head down and waits for his neck to be tickled. This isn't dominance - this is where he is happy and where he knows I can execute the EXACT position for the best tickle. He hasn't (to date!!) tried to bite either my ears, nose etc - he is quite docile too - it would sharp stop if he did!! :blink:

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I let both Dixie and Sterling sit on my shoulder, they are both very calm while there and I have managed to train both of them not to "potty" while on my shoulder. My chair on the other hand gets cleaned quite often! I have a high backed office chair that both of them will jump onto to "poo" and then back to my shoulder. This has also helped in training both birds to not poo anywhere that paper isn't put down! It's not 100%, but I would say 95%.


I do however confine the shoulder to while I'm sitting at the computer and not walking through the house. This keeps them from getting spooked from something that may cause them to react in a way I'm not ready for.


There is a strict no shoulder policy for Paul (my son) for the simple fact that Paul moves too fast for either me or the birds to be comfortable. I wouldn't want them to react to him doing something and he suffer the consequences of the birds doing what they would normally do.



Robin, Paul, Dixie, Sterling and George

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What a clever idea Robin and glad to hear it works most of the time and like you I mostly confine Josey's sitting on my shoulder when I am sitting down and not moving around.


That is wise to not allow Paul to have them on his shoulder since he moves so fast, you are one wise mom, maybe when he gets a little older and wiser he can.

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I let Dodo sit on my shoulder daily, as long as I don't have any jewelry on that he can get to. So far I've never been bitten. He'll use his head to "push" my hand away if he wants me to stop doing something, so that has always been my warning that he's had enough! I tried but could never get him to sit on my lap, not once.

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Tiko is not a fan of me, so I don't allow him on my shoulder, let alone on my hand. He does however go on my brother's should so that he can "protect" my brother. Lexi tends to nibble a tad too hard on our ears and really loves to take a nice pinch to the cheeks. So we don't allow her on our shoulders. We do allow Skittles on our shoulders, but he doesn't seem to enjoy it too much. He'd rather hang from our shirts or cuddle up under our chins.


I always thought it was a bad idea to have them on our shoulders, so we really never made it a bad habit.

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Tobie I guess is going to have to hurt me before I will take our shoulder time away. Some of our most endearing moments happen when he is on my shoulder. Some times to get my attention he will press his beak against my cheek and make a kissy sound - soft and sweet. Other times he puts his beak against my ear and gives me a big raspberry. Then we get in a raspberry fight, seeing who can make the loudest most obnoxious raspberry. Just tooo sweet.

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  • 2 months later...

Sasha loves sitting on my shoulder. He rather do that than anything else. He also behaves, he tried nibbling on my ear once or twice, and as soon as he does that I take him off my shoulder, do 3 step ups, and say no bite in a clear stern voice.and then not let him sit on my shoulder for 15 min.

After 15 min I will let him sit on shoulder again.

First day there was a fair bit of ear biting, but now (4rth day of me having him) he never bites me at all. If he wants my attention he pushes his head against my cheek and make a quick chirping noise.

He always steps up when I ask him, never had a case where he was stubborn

He loves doing everything on my shoulder. Playing, sleeping, just chilling, etc. Thought he would get bored on my shoudler but nope!

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