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So the flock grows


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Hi guys!


An update for you all.. After getting Echo I ended up contracting a severe case of MBS!! plus the puppy eye'd look when i left for work in the morning was killing me.. So I decided to use my 6 week holiday to introduce a 2nd bird..


After much deliberation and thought about whether to get same sex, different sex, different species, same species, older, younger, adopt or new.. I've been to see some babies this morning not far from me.. Big thanks to Casper for putting me in touch.. He's a top fella, it's a great place, clean, friendly and the birds were being fed on the kitchen table when we went by all the family.. so they're well socialised too.


I ended up putting a deposit on Number 5 :lol: So i get to bring him/her home in about 3 weeks if the breeder is happy the little dudes ready :D


So Echo gets a plaything and I get more mess to clean up.. :woohoo:


Happy dayz

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YAY! Congrats Titch, how exciting! I agree, they need friends lol. I wish I could get Ecko a little Timneh friend but I can't right now, sometime in the future though, lol MBS is contagious! So are you going to divide that huge cage in half for the new one or is he going to use Echo's old cage? Is it a CAG or a TAG your getting? Can't wait to see some pictures and hear how Echo likes her new friend. ;)

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Been chatting on the phone to another friend of mine this morning about the best way of introducing the two..Fortunately I have a divider for the current cage, so I can use that for the time being.. He's saying - make them want to be with each other.. rather than saying - here's your new mate, lets all get along..


similar to what we do with toys I suppose - they always want what they think they can't have, or what is just out of reach. So if i put them in proximity with each other, but not in direct contact for a while, hopefully that should spur some interest between the two.


though when it comes down to it, it's going to be pot luck i suppose, they'll either like each other, or hate each other..

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Congratulations on the new baby, and good luck with the introduction. Hopefully Echo will be excited to be a big sister. Even if they don't seem to get along or don't like each other out of cage they still will give each other company when you are gone.

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