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Um, hi everyone!


I'm a new member of this community. I have a 2 year old TAG named Charlie. My avatar is actually a picture of Charlie as a baby. I think he was about 9 months old at the time. I miss those big black eyes, even if the yellow ones are pretty.


I'm so glad I found this community. There's plenty out there for cockatiels, but not so much for grey owners.



I'll try to post one of my favorite closeups of Charlie right after I brought him home...I sure do miss those baby days sometimes.






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Hello Charliesmom and welcome to our family, we are so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Charlie.


Thanks for sharing a picture of Charlie from when you first brought him home and hope to see more recent shots, yes I love those dark eyes too.

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Hi, welcome to the forum! Great pictures of Charlie as a baby. I have a 6month old baby CAG and I am really going to miss these baby days so I know what you mean. Does Charlie talk? I look forward to hearing more about you and Charlie. ;)

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Hi thanks for welcoming me everyone!


The question, though, shouldn't be "does Charlie talk?" it should be "does he ever shut up?" He started talking about a week after I brought him home. He's learned to imitate my voice and my Dad's voice. he whistles "Pop goes the weasel," "Andy Griffith," and "Bridge on the River Kwai." Sadly, he talks better than he whistles. Of course that could be because my Mom (who is tone-deaf) whistles to him a lot.


He laughs really loud, screams of course, makes coughing noises, nose blowing sounds (lucky for me he only uses it on occasion), and he does the most spot on door creaking noise. He also says, "I love you," "I'm sorry," "Hi Baby," "Step Up Up Up," "Come here," "Gimme Kiss *mwah*" "Charlie!" "Good Boy," and my name, "Kaleigh" (Kay-lee).


He always surprises me with what he'll come up with. For example, one morning, I slept late and didn't uncover him fast enough. I actually heard him make a sound like a muffled door knock and then he said in my Dad's voice, "Kaleigh, Kaleigh!" Then he knocked again and said, "Kaleigh Get Your A.. UP!" I thought I was gonna die laughing. He's never cussed since, but I guess he meant business that morning.


Sorry for the long post.

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charliesmom wrote:

I actually heard him make a sound like a muffled door knock and then he said in my Dad's voice, "Kaleigh, Kaleigh!" Then he knocked again and said, "Kaleigh Get Your A.. UP!"



HAHAHAHAH OMG that is the funniest thing!!!! Thanks for the laugh. Do you have any videos of him talking? I would love to hear his whistles and talking. ;)

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Sounds like Charlie is quite the little booger when he wants to be. Do you think he might have learned how to get you up from your dad after all he did say it in your dads voice. he must have been eves dropping I had a really good laugh though thanks for sharing that with us and welcome to the forum

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