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Mirek is home!


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Guest briansmum

{Emotions-000200C6} finally eh geoff?? ooh please get pictures soon.. congratulations! :woohoo:

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Ok here's some pictures. I had to dummy up his cage as the breeder instructed. He will perch on his own but he cant be trusted quite yet. He spent some time playing with toys and eating.. and he spent a couple minutes hanging from the top of the cage.. with my hands underneath of him during the climbing lol. Now hes getting sleepy and the foot is going up. It was actually difficult to get him to go into the cage and stay there, he just kept wanting to come out and play with me.


Fortunately there's no quarantine period away from tiels. They have already met him while at the breeder for grooming visits. They are quite cautious of Mirek and want nothing to do with him. Yet they have witnessed him sitting on my bed flapping his wings all crazy and energetically so they're both prolly pretty put off by his size and power.


He's 10 weeks old now. Far younger then I would have thought a Grey could come home at, yet looking at him as I write this, it's obvious he's perfectly content with his back to me preening himself happily.


As for the weight of 481g, I'll weigh him a few more times at various times throughout the day. I expect he will loose a little weight as he is getting accustomed to his new home and beginning to realize his clutch mates are not with him any longer.








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Guest briansmum

aaaw he's so cute! you don't realise how much they grow over the next few weeks around that age. talon is right, he'll be climbing about that cage like he's been doing it for years before you know it. i hope you get some sleep tonight and dont spend all night getting up and peeping in on him :laugh:

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Guest briansmum

uh oh geoff. apparently misting them everyday helps keep dust under control if you have a problem with it. maybe you could wear a nose plug on a night to stop it all getting up there :P

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Nah its fine, I've had 2 tiels in my room for 4 months now. Plus I'm allergic to nothing. I just got home from being at my friends house and being very stealth quiet.. he's fast asleep and speaking of sleep I might join him.


He'll get lots of misting and bathes whether he likes it or not! lol They come from a rain forest after all.

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Guest briansmum

lol stealth quiet! do you cover his cage? i hope so with him being in your room of he'll be waking you up at sunrise :)

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Yes Beccy I cover him up at night. For right now he's got a night light too so we won't have any nightfrights.


You guys were right, he's a pro climber already lol. My Mom came to visit him while I was at work and he climbed up to the top grate and hung from it using his beak. But of course he managed to find his way back down just fine. It's tempting to help him in times of distress but he needs to learn and experiment and making mistakes is part of it.


He loves making cute little baby noises. Quiet little Ahh!'s and Eee's and lots of gargling sounds. Right now he's eating dinner since I woke him upon arriving home from work. For a 10 week old he sure does put that food away easily on his own. He looks happier than a pig in.. mud.:lol:

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Oh my, today Mirek woke up and I think this time it finally hit him.. It's all gone and not coming back. He still eats and drinks just fine but he no longer comes out of the cage on his own. I just take him out to weigh him and then put him back. He's doing a lot of crying for his clutchmates and I get the feeling he doesn't want me near him as much as he wants his hand feeding person.


Otherwise he is doing very well. He preens often, lots and lots of wing flapping, climbs often.. and I'm used to each bird consuming about 10 grams of food per day, or tossing it on the cage bottom.. lol. I still have to figure out what he eats in grams but right now I know simply by "Half a bowl" :ohmy: .

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Geoff, when you take him out, spend time with him. Talon cried a lot for the first 2 weeks, missing her clutch mates, and family. I would spend lots of time, holding her, cuddling her in a towel, and talking soothingly to her. I would sing lullaby's to her, that calmed her the most. It's a hard adjustment for them at a young age. Stay with him, give him all the comfort you can to help him through this adjustment. He'll be fine, and love you all the more. Keep us updated! :)

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Guest briansmum

yes talon is right lots of comfort is the best medicine, so that he learns that although the life he knew and loved is gone this one is even better! i used to wait for brian to get sleepy for his naps then bring him to come sit with me. he sat on my chest with his head under my chin and i'd cuddle and stroke him and talk softly. he soon came round.

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Your baby looks great! Nice weight mine is about 450 but I keep hoping he gains. I was reading that when they are at the last stages of being weaned they actually lose a bit of weight. Mine is about 3.5 months as has starting flying around from low objects. Very scarey! Have fun the baby stage seems to end fast.

best regards Trina

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Ok so I tried like you guys all agreed on. I cuddled him lots today and talked to him. We read some instruction on how to build a model ship. Well I read them, he chewed the edges of the paper.


He seems to complain about coming out of the cage but when he gets settled into that towel its bliss. Right now actually he's been sleeping under a pile of towels for 2 hours. When I lift the towel flap off his head he looks at me an makes a very content slow squeal noise.


I think tomorrow were going to attempt some youngling home made food. Maybe some warmed up mashed banana. Cause thats all my mind can come up with right now lol. And waking up at 7am.. uuhh!:pinch:

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