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She "gurged" for me!


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It is the first time. Whisper regurgitated for me last night. At first I was scared to death. She started making these whiney noises and stretching her neck. I was ready to grab her up and rush to the emergency room. Then up came the food and I realized what and why she just did.


She loves me.:kiss:<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/07/22 18:25

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I remember the first time Dayo "gurged" for me. I felt like you did.

It's a very special bond you have with Whisper.

Congratulations. Isn't it neat?

Dayo also makes a "baby breath" sound for me. It's a sound he only does for me.

Does Whisper do this also? (so precious)

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DayosMom wrote:

I remember the first time Dayo "gurged" for me. I felt like you did.

It's a very special bond you have with Whisper.

Congratulations. Isn't it neat?

Dayo also makes a "baby breath" sound for me. It's a sound he only does for me.

Does Whisper do this also? (so precious)


Right before she did it she caressed by fingers with her beak. It was different than anything she had done before. Very soft and gentle all over my fingers and then she kind of whimpered and then came the upchuck.


I know just what you mean about the baby breath sounds. I live alone and I am the only person in her life so all her sounds are for me.:)

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lovethatgrey wrote:

Yuck! I was grossed out! I had to turn away and was scared to look back at Emma in case she wasn't done.



EmmaSachiSigImage.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/07/26 03:59


It was just a few almond pieces. Nothing too gross. I have worked in a laboratory for over 20 yrs. Not much will gross me out. I have seen it all.

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lovethatgrey wrote:

Yuck! I was grossed out! I had to turn away and was scared to look back at Emma in case she wasn't done.


LOL. Reading all the posts and feeling all warm inside and then reading yours at the end...made me crack up! LOL


AnnaBella has been doing this for a long time. I try to discourage her from doing it, I thought I read somewhere that you're supposed to redirect them if they do that...no? Do you guys let your greys do it until they're done? AnnaBella will sometimes become aggressive a little while after. She'll do the "lovey dance" and if I let her go to the point of "gurging", she'll plop out some food for me. Then later she will (sometimes) become aggressive. She'll bite...she actually flew over to me once and tried to bite my head as she flew over. That only happened once but it was after one of her lovey episodes.


So, how do you guys handle your greys when they do it? Do you redirect them? ignore them? go along with them? Other?? I'm glad you posted this...thank you!!!

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I definitely redirect. Especially if I am able to realize early on what is about to happen.




I understand on an intellectual level that it is a compliment but frankly I would prefer that she keep her nutrition inside of her and I don't want her to ever consider me as good "mate" material. When she seems to be getting all lovey on me...I pretend to not notice and I'll point to one of her toys and say something like - Hey what a great toy!<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/07/26 04:51

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I think that Whisper is too young (only 20 months next week) for this gurge to be anything sexual. It was over in a few seconds and I did not acknowledge it anyway. The vet told me it could happen at any age.


I agree with you guys that it is best not to encourage it or stimulate them sexually in any way.

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I redirect Dayo's attention too. I don't encourage him to continue.


I think he has no other way to show his deep feelings, than to share his food with me. That's a tender, endearing, natural behaviour birds do with their young and loved mate. It does mean something special to them.


Not all Grey's will do this. So those that do, share something special with their "Human Grey". :-)<br><br>Post edited by: DayosMom, at: 2009/07/26 22:14

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