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A Little About Me...

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My name is Vanessa. I live with my parents and brother about an hour away from Toronto (Brampton). Canada of course. B)


I'm currently attending teacher's college in Buffalo, NY. I recently graduated from University for Media Studies & Photography. It's my last year, so its going to be super crazy busy for me. I love it though, so that even things out. I plan to teach high school, mainly media and photography.


I have a 7 year old Maine Coon/Angora cat named Tango & a 6 year old Maine Coon/Angora cat named Tinkerbelle. I also have a 5 year old White Cap Pionus named Tiko, a 4 year old Sun Conure named Skittles and last but not least, a 3 year old Timneh African Grey named Lexi. So quite the zoo in my house..for now. :)


I think that sums everything up for now.


Looking forward to meeting everyone on here.


I'll post photos in the appropriate section soon.

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Hi Vanessa, welcome to the forum! Great introduction. I really like your siggy! You animals are beautiful. I bet you have so much fun with them. I am a huge cat lover and bird lover myself, I have two cats and a 6month old Congo grey. Do the birds get along with eachother ok? And the cats do they bother them? I hope to hear more from you and can't wait to see some more pics. Enjoy the site. ;)<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/07/22 18:24

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Hello Vanessa and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Lexi and your other pets.


I have a sun conure also and she is about 4 1/2 years old, she was my first parrot and is such a clown at times but mainly a shoulder ornament.


It sounds like you have your life planned out and you have a lovely bunch of pets, I am a cat lover too, I have one cat at the moment and probably have had a cat in my life all of my life.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We do love pictures here so if you have some you would share with us we would appreciate it, we have an other birds room where you may put Skittles and Tiko.

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I had a maine coon cat he was one huge cat Inot a big cat person but my Odin was a very special cat Some one stole him and I looked for him for over a year I loved him so much I also have 2Greys,a Severe Macaw. an Irn, GCC, and aYCA welcome to the forum this is a picture of my maine Coon cat


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caitb2007 wrote:

Do the birds get along with eachother ok? And the cats do they bother them? Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/07/22 18:24


Thanks! The birds do get along with each other most of the time. We don't let them out together unsupervised though. The cats tend to leave them alone. Though sometimes Lexi (my Grey) teases my cats by calling them to her cage, then calls either myself or my brother for help. Smarty pants that's for sure.<br><br>Post edited by: sixwings, at: 2009/07/26 04:45

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Tycos_mom wrote:

I had a maine coon cat he was one huge cat Inot a big cat person but my Odin was a very special cat Some one stole him and I looked for him for over a year


That's a shame, it's odd though. The same thing happened to my aunt's Maine Coon. Someone took him, she searched for months and then gave up.

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