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Question about starting solids


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I have a quick question. My new grey which is now 6 weeks old, will be 7 wks friday, enjoys drinking water from a very shallow dish. He/she does very well. I have noticed that she likes to pick at her carefresh,her bedding. Also I let her out to play through out the day and she likes to walk around and explore but she will pick at anything she finds on the floor. My question is at 6 wks is it to soon to introduce her to some warm moist pellets, fruits & veggies? I know around 8 wks is usually a good time, but every bird is different right?

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If he/she is starting to pick at things on the ground then thats a sign to start introducing solids. Every grey is different so its not like there is a time set on when you can introduce foods to him. My breeder started introducing solids to him at 6 1/2 weeks because he started picking at things. She said pine nuts where the first thing that he ate and loved. His favorite treat now is still pine nuts lol. When I brought him home at 8 weeks old he was eating his seed/pellet mix and some cooked veggies. Even though he didn't eat a lot of it I still put a dish in there for him to pick at. Have you tried cheerios yet? Put a couple of cheerios in there for him, see if he can eat them. Good luck! Let us know how it goes. ;)<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/07/22 16:15

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Thats great news to hear! I have 6 children and even though I never wanted them to grow to fast I was always anxious and excited for them to experience and learn new things. Like eating baby food, or walking, or saying their first word. Its like having a baby all over again. (I mean he is a baby,I meant a baby "human")...Oh, you know what I mean :pinch:

Anyway, I will try some things later and let everyone know how it turns out!;)


I'm so excited....:lol:

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I tried the pellet offering!! And he ate...:woohoo:

Right away he walked over and started trying it out, and he didnt stay just to be nosey he stayed and ate awhile,even though I had just handfed him. I'm so happy for him I wanna cry...{Feel-bad-0002006A} My babies growing up!!;)







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Oh my gosh he's just soso cute I miss my little baby girl she was hatched on Feb 7,2009 so she is still a baby but I miss the age yours is now I handfed Adaya from 5 weeks old. look at all those little paint brushes all over and that little red tail is as cute as cute as can be. makes me want to cry they grow up way to fast.

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