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My Heart is BROKEN!


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Hi guys,


I just wanna tell you about something,


Here is a video shop where you rent videos, the lady that works there just got an african grey that stands by the counter. What a pretty little birdie but he has a sad storie!


The lady got him from a petshop where her sister works, She said that a guy dropped the grey at the petshop and said he doesnt want it anymore because it makes too much noise!!!


It's a TAG and and its six years old! A thing I noticed is he plucks his feathers. The reason why I'm really sad is because its cage is really really dirty!!

I mean really dirty!! The "shells" (I couldn't think of an better word, sorry) of the seeds lies at the bottom of the cage about 3-5cm thick you wont be able 2 see the bottom of the cage! The water and food bowls are brown and looks unhealthy! I think they are actually white!


I felt so sorry for that grey that I told the lady that if she ever whants 2 sell it that I'll buy the grey. She said she'll keep that in mind.... I really hope she does!


The bird also cant be handled so I'm also worried that the previous owner might have abused the bird!


I'll try and take pictures and post it so you guys can see what Im talking about!<br><br>Post edited by: Karla, at: 2007/07/08 19:00

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Oh Karla, how sad. :( Maybe the lady doesn't understand the importance of keeping the cage clean, nor how to take care of one. Could you maybe tell her about greys, and all that is required to meet their needs. She may just be ignorant, although that is NO Excuse! Please keep pestering her about it, it so deserves a better home than that. Maybe she'll give in when she realizes all that's involved, and sell it to you. Please keep us informed........:( :(

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Karla, I am horrified to hear of this, how could anyone just decide not to keep their bird and drop it off like that at a pet shop and then someone else keep it in such filthy conditions. I am proud of you for stepping in and offering to buy the bird, lord only knows it needs some loving attention, and I'm sure you could provide that for it.

Keep us informed on this situation and get some photos but it will be hard to look at them, I can't stand to see them in such horrible conditions.

Karma to you Karla.

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Guest briansmum

yes, and if she refuses to clean the cage or give it to a better home then report her to the local animal services. sounds to me like she's just bought it to be "the lady with the parrot" {Emotions-00020077}

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This is so sad, poor fellow went from bad to bad! :(


I wonder if the person in the Video shop is just a minimum wage employee and can't speak for the TAG?


If you do go back to get photo;s, maybe you could ask if the owner is there and if not, perhaps ask for their Phone Number to call and inquire?


Obviously, no one there knows anything about maintaining any Parrot!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/08 21:26

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi guys


So I weant to the video shop again.... the cage was closed so I couldn't take a picture.


I'll go again this weekend, maybe and hopefully by now the cage is cleaned...


If not I'll take her some of the sand paper I use for Tequilas cage. She'll have 2 clean the cage 2 put the sand paper in.

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Guest Lidia

It's heartbreaking. For every one of us, people who care and take the trouble to learn, there seem to be a few million idiots with neither the compassion nor the common sense to take care of animals. When I see animals being mistreated, I think their owners should be subject to the same conditions that they impose on their pets.

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Hello Karla, when you go next time, offer to clean the cage for her, maybe she is ignorant and does not know a bird likes a clean home like the rest of us and maybe stress to her the importance of a clean cage, clean bowls for her bird. She certainly wouldn't want to have to eat out of the same kinds of filth that she is subjecting her bird to. Just a suggestion. Thanks for staying on this, that bird will forever be grateful for your efforts.:)

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