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Riley maybe going back home

Codys Mom

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as u all know Riley was our cag rescue well to make a long story short I got in contact with his very first owner and since life has changed to the better for his first owner I have agreed to let Riley go home to his first owner,he could not keep him at his parents house for a few reasons , I have tried for a few months now to make him happy and comfortable here and he is the same as the first week he arrived which isn't real good, his first owner has just moved to a nice condo and has no pets and he was so excited to hear Riley was in a good home he said he missed him terribly and would love to have him back so he is comeing here sunday to talk to me and get Riley,he is buying him a new cage and loading it up with toys and getting his food ready, I'am just wondering if Riley will recognize him or even know who he is,he still calls him Mootsie and Riley still says Mootsie is a good boy, guess he learned that name real good, I feel bad but happy in a way that he will be reunited with his first owner and he still cares very much for him, will fill u in with the details on sunday or monday

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How long has it been since Riley has seen his first owner and how did you ever find him. Greys don't forget usually so I'm sure he will remember as long as he was with him for quite a while how old is Riley and how many homes has he been in? Sorry for all the question I also think this is a very nice thing your doing for Riley and his first owner. I hope this time its going to be forever.

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Riley is 2 years old actually he will be 3 in february and from what the 2nd owner said she only had him for about 4 months and I have had for 2 months so he was with his first owner for quite awhile he said he bought him as a baby just weaned from a pet store and paid 1600 for him, I sure can belive that one they want a arm and a leg theese days for birds in a bird store, I kinda feel like I have failed Riley we did not become good friends like I had hoped infact he never even warmed up to my hubby so crossing my fingers he remembers his first owner and is very happy to see him , hopeing for a happy reunioin come sunday

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This is a sad and good thing all in one. Sad for you and good for Riley's first owner and Riley too.


Perhaps this will give you the opportunity of getting a just weaned Grey and experiencing your Grey from it's beginning life's journey. :-)

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I know you are torn inside but I think this will probably work out for the best, he will remember him I'm sure and as long as Riley is happy then that is all that counts.


Like others have suggested, maybe if you get a just weaned baby grey you can build a good bond with it and have a wonderful relationship.


You have not failed, maybe it just wasn't meant to be for you and Riley.


Be sure to let us know what happens.

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I hope he remembers him to other wise I really don't know if he will be happy, but what the guy said he was really bonded to Riley and Riley to him and he was devasted to have to give him up but alot was going on with his family and he said he had no choice then

I have a baby grey a Tag that I'am handfeeding now her name is Rudy if Riley leaves I will have 3 birds my Tag , my Eclectus and my quaker I think thats enough to keep me busy

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me and my hubby was talking about Riley and his owners and he suggested that maybe the girl we got Riley from might have his first owners address or phone number and I said I would call her and find out and maybe we can get in touch with him,she had his parents phone number so I called and his parents gave him the message and he called us back, my hubby thought it would be great if we could find him and at least offer him back to him first , sometimes hubby's pretty smart lol

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Well I think its a wonderful Idea and I would love to see some pictures of the baby tag your hand feeding I just finished hand feeding my baby congo I don't think I seen a baby Tag I mean a real little one that hasn't been weaned yet,I bet s/he is just as cute as cute can be

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