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Spock Rules....


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Hi Spock here...with all these new feathers around here, someone has to keep order and I am Flock-Leader so I rule!!! My slaves have these green creatures they call Amazons...they start whining about 5 o'clock every night to be fed...I have to let out a "Quiet Down!" in Congonese and two of them reply "Spock" loud and clear (too loud as far as I am concerned). I get to eat my smash first (my "Sun"ny buddies and I share)and then my slaves finally get around to feeding them...(those greenies) It is funny to watch because they all want to eat at the same time and they pull the syringe from my slaves' hands and fight each other to eat. They get so loud I have to close my ears and fly to another room to get some quiet...

Aaaaahhh, my Sun buddies and I have a good time together. I let them ride on my back and they do such a good job preening me, they are so gentle...Well, if I hurry, the peanut butter jar is open and the coast is clear so if I make a run for it...Busted!!! Time out in the corner...

Spock "Live Long and Prosper"


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B) Hi, Spock here...it's only logical...That's what it is, fun. I do love the camera. Pull the camera out and I am there...:evil: As soon as I can sneak the computer away from my slaves and they aren't looking, I have some whoppers to tell you about...They are bringing that new Grey home Monday. I have to start preening now to look good....HEY, STARBURST, WANNA RIDE?....


"Live Long and Prosper"

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:blink: Ok, tomorrow's the big day, he's coming here, his new home, my home, our home, Wow, what do I do? Where do I sleep, he sleeps, we sleep, together? My cage? His cage? He's older than me, whose boss? My slaves, his slaves, our slaves? They are in a tizzy changing things around for us. I'm in a tizzy. So many questions; I wish I can talk already...ok,ok,ok....I need peanut butter...where's my peanut butter...


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;) Yea, they are bringing home a two-year old CAG male, I heard them say he was a rescue? Something about his male slave passed on(?), and the female slave and her little ones (grandchildren) didn't like him and they pushed his cage off into a corner and ignored him. I heard my slaves say; they fed him good and kept him and his cage clean but gave him no love or attention so he is afraid and alone. So, I want to make a good impression and be his buddy. My slaves have been telling me he will be moving in with us for about two weeks and tomorrow's the day...I hope he likes my "Sun-Buddies"...he knows the "Greenies", they don't like any birds...GRAY GREYS RULE! Ok, ok ok...wish us luck. We will love him, what's his name? Oh, we have to give him one...how about Kirk or Bones:evil: or Aristotle? I can call him Ari... :laugh:


Live Long and Prosper

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