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When A Grey Is Determined . . . .


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So it was midday and time for Zel to take a nap (or so I thought) so I put her in her cage, closed and locked the doors, and shut the door to her room so she could have some quiet time.


About an hour later I hear a strange noise and wonder "what could that be?" I realized it was coming from her room. So I walked over and opened the door to find Zel standing there and looking up at me as if saying:


"About damn time you opened the door. I've been trying to chew my way out!"

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Every so often when I'm about to cover her cage for the night she'll frantically flap her wings but really not so much anymore.


I just gotta work on the pooping thing now. Every time I put her down on the couch, chair, etc. she takes a big poop as soon as she's down.


I'm almost willing to have someone potty train her lolz. :laugh:

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Well thats good, atleast she calmed down a little. Ecko does that too. He won't poop in his cage so everytime I take him out I know he has to go poop so I lay down newspaper and say go poop a couple times and he always wiggles his butt and goes. I do this every single time he comes out of the cage because I am sick of trying to get his poop stains out of the carpet lol. Why don't you put her on a perch with newspaper under it to go poop before you put her on the chair or couch.

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Btw, I found her this morning standing on top of the cage.


It was still completely covered in blankets which means not only did she open the door, but then climbed onto the blanket, climbed down, flipped herself over to the other side, then climbed back up the blanket to the top.


She's a determined little birdy!

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Cleo is now pretty much fully potty trained. It only goes "wrong" if I forget to tell her to go. I always tell her first thing when I take her out of the cage, and every 30 minutes or so after that, with excellent results.


If I forget to tell her to go, she just....goes.

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You better get some locks before I got Tyco her new cage she escaped one day when my family andI went out for the day when I came home I thought some one had broken in at first all my birds where flying all over the house and all their food dishes and everything that was on my counters was thrown across the kitchen there was seeds and pellets and butter and salt and peppershakers the fruit bowl was empty and there were beak marks on everything I had only had Tyco for about a week at the time and she was sitting on the counter looking pleased as punch I didn't realize she could escape her cage the little brat took me 3 hours to clean everything off the wall floor ceiling the birds cages I almost decided I didn't like Grey's I put pad locks on her cage after that and within a month I bought her the cage she has now the one I got her in was about the size of a cockateil cage so she definatly needed a new cage. What a day that was I was so tierd after walking around the fair all day and to come home to that was not fun.:evil: :evil: :laugh:

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