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Rita flew away


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Hi All,

I finally have a minute to tell you the amazing story of the Return of Rita. As you know Rita flew away on Tuesday about noon. After that I followed each and every suggestion that you and others sent me. Fliers, craigslist, newspaper ads, shelters, vets and my community. There is a wonderful organization in my small city that was created to enhance the lives of seniors and people with special needs. As the group developed they help all who ask. When a pet is missing they send out a blast email with a photo and info. It goes to hundreds of people who send it on to their friends. My little city has less than 5000 people and is heavily vegetated. Well Tuesday and Wednesday went by and we were devastated. This morning I got telephone call that Rita was seen just about 1000 feet from my home, up a hill and near a canyon and she was flying. We went there and called her and called her and she flew above me and landed on a bluff just sitting. I scaled the bluff all the while talking to her and she just remained still, watching me. As I got to the top I put out my finger and she approached with her head down. I got hold of her upper beak and pulled her toward me and she just stepped onto my finger. I scurried down the bluff and held her to my chest not letting go of those little feet. I got to my car and my friend opened the carrier. I put Rita in and went down the hill to my house.

She was tired, hungry and thirsty. She started talking as soon as we got home and we are beyond happy, I really think Rita is happy too. Thanks to all of you.

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Greymom, I am so very happy that sweet little Rita is home. What a marvelously happy ending to this thread. I am overjoyed with happiness for you and especially for Rita's safe return. What a great community you live in!!!! And Rita ...... you're grounded!!!! :lol: :) :lol:



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Wow! I'm so glad you got her back! I got a rush of goose pimples whilst reading the story. I know how you feel, It is a horrible situation to be in and I would not wish that upon anybody.


:lol: :silly: :lol: :silly: :lol: :silly: :lol:

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What a wonderful ending to what could have been a very sad story, I am so happy for you and your pet! Congrats in a huge way! Sounds like you have a great community!

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