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Rita flew away


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Rita's wings were clipped and though she could float a little in the house she landed on the floor. Today I took her out on her perch on the deck to spray her. I have done it before. Today she just soared away. I am heartbroken. I notified neighbors, put up fliers, send out an email to a large number of people, notified the avian boarder in the neighborhood. I have looked and looked for her. I just don't know what to do. I am in Del Mar, the San Diego, California area. Do they ever return?

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There are 2 members on here who recovered their birds after they flew away. One was found 40 miles away and person read about the bird missing on the internet.

Get the message out to every bird board you can.

Start here.


and here..



Notify all the local vets and humane society also.


Another member's bird was recovered with the help of the neighborhood children and a reward. I do not know of any that just flew back home.


Did you put the cage outside where the bird can see it? Look in shrubs and bushes low to the ground. Enlist the help of anyone you can. The more eyes searching the better.


I will be praying for the safe return of your bird.


Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/07/22 01:30


Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/07/22 01:31<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/07/22 01:33

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I am so sorry to hear of Rita taking flight but just because the wings were clipped doesn't mean that they can't fly as you found out but follow Char's suggestions for doing what you can to find her. The more people that are looking the greater chances she will be found.


I hope you find Rita safe and sound very soon.

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Ow I am so so sorry. Here is some good news, I lived in Oceanside CA not far from you and had my conure get out and she came back. One early morning I heard her yelling and you cannot confuse that with another bird.I got up and there she was, so keep looking. Put her cage on the porch and keep looking!

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Janfromboone wrote:

So sorry to hear about this. I'm surprised she could fly that well outside. Keep your hopes up. If she was clipped how far could she go??



Yes, if you research the info we have here about clipped birds. You will see many stories about how easily, when they get frightened, the wind is just right, or their wings have grown just enough, but unnoticed to the owner, about how easily they can fly when you least expect it.


I hope and pray that you find Rita and she is safely returned. I am so sorry to hear this.

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Oh No Greymom!!!:ohmy:


In addition to the urls you have posted messages on, also post on:






Notify all the shelters, rescues and vet offices in you area and surrounding areas.


Please keep us updated.

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I know how much it hurts when they fly away, and i really feel for you.I have got 2 cags, Casper and Nelson. Nelson is 11 momths old now,but he flew away when he was 10 months old.On the 23 june this year.I thought my world had come to an end, i was totally heartbroken.Luckily i had phoned my local vets as soon as he went and left them his band number and my phone number.I did all the other things as well, like flyers and advertisements in the local paper and so on.Luckily a person called Mr Jones found him not long after he flew away and he informed the R S P C A.Who collected him and took him to the animal centre they have about 10 miles away from. They phoned my local vet, who who were able to give them his band number and my phone number and they contacted me.It took them 6 days to find me, by which time i has given up hope, but i was ecstatic when they called me and was able to identify him through his band number. I gollected him the next day and have not let him out of my sight since.

So please don't give up if you don't hear anything after a few days.I will be thinking about you.Good Luck

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I just wanted to thank you all for your prayers, good wishes and inspirational messages. I just got her back.

I will write to tell the whole story later today. I need to go out and remove all the fliers I put up and call all the folks who were helping.

Thank you over and over again. I still can't believe it.

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