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The slightly crazy parrot dude from York has returned.. with.....






We have been away for ages off here due to my PeeCee taking a dislike to anything I wanted it to do.. But I eventually won the war by reformatting it, therefore erasing it's memory of being a bad compooter.


Echo is now 8 months old and is a complete devil.. I mean Angel.. no.. I was right the first time.. So without further ado, meet her royal highness..




She's not DNA'd - just suspected. I have a kit which I will send off when I get the time.


She has now progressed to the mahoosive cage which arrived earlier this month which she promptly moved me into..




She's highly energetic, and loves to hang out on her window rope and leap between that and the playstand.




I have no pic of the playstand, how bizzare.. anyway - moving on.. She eats pretty much everything as long as it's in birdie bread - so Harrisons bird mix to the rescue and into that go fresh veggies, fruit and nuts (no peanuts, they're banned) , pellets, supplements, oats, cornflakes.. anything really that could taste fun! Seeds - well, she has a small bowl of them which she dips into and I hide them in foraging toys, so if she really wants seeds, she has to work for them..


Here's a few more pics to keep you all amused.. Speak soon :D















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So glad to see you again Titch, we have missed you but you look good and so does Echo, she is a cute little devil opps, I mean angel of a grey. Look like you are taking very good care of her and love the photo of you in her cage, had to laugh at that one, thanks for sharing all those pics with us and get busy and start posting.

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Hi Titch! So glad you came back to greyforums. I see you on AnAG alot so its good to see you on here too. Great pictures of your Echo. That cage is HUGE! Echo -well you, are so lucky to have such a big home haha. :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/07/21 18:20

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I'm often in the cage with Echo, easier on cleaning day when there is no grates or trays in.. I have to get in just to move anything around..


She's currently sat next to me stripping some poor Willow tree to bits. Systematically making a huge mess which I will gladly have to clean up later!

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So good to see you back on here Titch!

Will you be staying on here during the holidays?

I hope you do:)


Lovely pictures of Echo (even though I have seen a sneaky preview on our facebook lol)


Big hugs to both of you:kiss:


Caroline.<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2009/07/21 22:30

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Bar spacing on it is 31mm (1.2") and there's no problems with it, Echo can't get any part of her through apart from her beak.. So I have to warn children when they come round not to put fingers too close as she's not the most sociable bird in the world :lol: She's ok with mum and dad, she loves me to bits, but anyone else.. nooooooooooo :evil:

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I like the cage ... actually the bird on the outside and the human on the inside is not a bad idea. I take Ziva to work with me and sometimes she's so playful I can't get work done. This approach to redecorating my office would insure I did my work uninterrupted while she got the run of the place. Just put the desk, chair and computer inside and leave the bookshelves, shades, plants, pictures and other playthings outside for her. She gets more flying space and my boss receives my work assignments complete and timely :blink:

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I retired in 2005 from an architectural firm and went on staff at Grace Brethren Church in Columbus, Ohio. We were doing an early childhood center addition and the pastor in charge of facilities was retiring ... so they offered me a position overseeing facilities of the church and Christian school. As an extra job for a few years, I also did the interface between the church, architect, and contractor during the project. Long story short, my office and reception area are in one of our warehouses on the property. It works great, because the eleven guys working with me don't care how my office is decorated :) and all of the other staff are in the main church structure, the administrative center or the school buildings. Ziva comes to work with me 2 or 3 days a week (to keep our grandchildren from stressing her out too much, since my wife cares for them when parents are at work.) ... or I use that as an excuse to hang out with Ziva more :P<br><br>Post edited by: harmonicaman68, at: 2009/08/28 13:32

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If yours are like our Ziva ... when we tell her "no" or push her away from something, she wants it all the more. I actually think that if I ignore her getting into something, she loses interest sooner. For instance, moving her off of the computer keyboard guarantees she will be there for 20 minutes unless I find something else to distract her.

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