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Guest briansmum

i haven't given brian a chilli i don't eat them. what do you do, just slice a bit off, take out the seeds and give them it, do you need to cook it? what is the nutritional value?

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Give them raw to them, Beccy, you could slice them and put in his bowl or skewer them, no need to remove the seeds or cook them, but you could if you want. I don't know about the nutritional value but it has more than a grape does.:laugh:

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Guest Lidia

Joshua sometimes loves them and sometimes ignores them. He usually gets one every morning with his breakfast (a whole dried one). Sometimes he chomps straight into it, sometimes it is there for the entire day and just gets discarded.

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Guest Lidia

xxbeccyxx wrote:

thats the same with greys and most food lidia


True, Beccy! Little monsters, aren't they. Last night I was eating a toasted cheese sandwich and Joshua flew down to me to get some. I broke a piece off for him, but he kept dropping it and wanted to bite off his own piece, which was much larger. He just didn't want the piece I gave him because it was small!!

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Guest briansmum

brian is like that.. ooh no can't have the piece i give him, that has been taken off thus it must not be half as tasty anymore, i must bite my own bit!

also i was giving him some raspberries, blueberries and grapes earlier and i gave him the raspberry first.. it hit the deck, so i offered the blueberry (which i know he likes) and this went straight on the floor too. the little monkey wouldn't eat them because i wasn't quick enough to hide the grape and he spotted it!

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Guest Lidia

xxbeccyxx wrote:

the little monkey wouldn't eat them because i wasn't quick enough to hide the grape and he spotted it!


you're so right, Beccy! They are utter little ratbags when they want to be! I was having a civilised whiskey last night and Joshua kept trying to get at the glass. Not to drink the whiskey, you understand, but to attack the glass.


I also bought him a new type of parrot mix yesterday, that costs twice as much as the stuff I normally get, and he just turned his beak up at it, even though it smells like lovely oranges and orange blossom.

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You know I went to a big chilly seminar about all the minerals and vitamins that are in chilies and also found out that the parrots don;t taste the hot spicy like us...My nandi of 16 years loved chillies...but more liked to play attack and pounce on apples whole ones like it was an object of prey...

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You know I went to a big chilly seminar about all the minerals and vitamins that are in chilies and also found out that the parrots don;t taste the hot spicy like us...My nandi of 16 years loved chillies...but more liked to play attack and pounce on apples whole ones like it was an object of prey...

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Guest Lidia

Parrotkisses1 wrote:

My nandi of 16 years loved chillies...but more liked to play attack and pounce on apples whole ones like it was an object of prey...


Funny you should say that, Joshua likes to do the same thing! Apples as a prey object...

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chico just loves apples aswell.I justgive him veg with no fruit and he wont eat it so i put some fruit in but no apples and he still wouldn't eat them so i put appels in ands he eat every single thing.

I think he is silly at times:woohoo: :woohoo:

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  • 3 months later...

chillies can give our beloved parrots asthma. my boss at a parrot refuge centre told me why as well. with the chiiles dried and fresh ones gies off the hot taste we have in their mouths and causes asthma. the fresh bell ones are ok togive our parrots without the pips

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and how i know this is a fact the grey i have loves them in his food he had eaten 1 and his tongue touched mine when eaten it and it was hot. after he flew on play stand and flew just a short distance bk to me he was weasing so i took them out and now he dont wease.

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