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Help! CAG is pissed at me!


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Hello everyone. I am really worried about me CAG. It took him about a month to warm up to me when I got him in the spring of 2002 but after that we have been buds. Pablo is 7 years old now. He is very intelligent and I have been able to teach him so many entertaining things. About two days ago I went in to feed him and he puffed up like evil bird. He will no longer step up for me but will for my spouse. He seems to be healthy but something I did must have really pissed him off. This is strange because he has always been so good natured and I have been able to pet him and everything. Ha anyone had similar experiences?

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Pablo is getting to about sexual maturity age and he might have changed his preferences from you to your spouse, this is not uncommon. Hormones can make them do strange things and behave differently, do not rub him down his back, under his wings or anywhere around the tail end as these are the errogenous zones and will only frustrate him further.


Its possible you may have done something to piss him off but only you would know that so unless you can think of something then my guess is the hormonal thing.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us more about you and your two greys.

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Just about every grey does that switching back and forth. It's their nature and most of the time it doesn't last a long time. It just seems like a long time for the owner. Since your bird is doing that now, just ignore him and you'll eventually see him starting to show interest again. Greys hate to be ignored. They constantly tire of one thing and show intyerest in another thing and reverse themselves again. They even do the same things with toys. I would say that there really is no problem there. He puffs up--just turn around and waklk away. That puffing up is simply one part of what's called body language.

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Hi chipcouncil, I don't know if greys really get pissed off but last weekend for two days my 11-month-old grey wouldn't talk and wouldn't come down from her cargo net when I asked. I just ignored her and climbed up to her to get her down. Two days later she was fine again. Go figure.

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He is find with everyone else but puffs up when I come in the room. There is also a song that we whistle to each other very day. He will start and then stop and let me finish and then I stop and he picks up from where I left off. He hasn't whistled the song in three days. Its really odd, kind of cute in a way but I am hoping he isn't traumatized by something I may have inadvertently did.


I took a video oh how he puffs up.



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