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Shipping my baby


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Good Day everyone.

The day has finally come that my baby is weaned!

She is in upstate NY and I am in Florida. Does anyone have any good suggestions (like really here someone would give a bad one....) for shipping my baby. I am concerned about the heat of the day in the south. Which airlines ship? What about early or late flights? Any suggestions. Although I am extremly anxious to get my baby, I just want her to be safe!

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The breeder will have the information on this and has probably done it many, many times. They will know the best airline in there neck of the woods to get this done.


The airlines will take good care of your new baby grey and bring it to you nice and safe. :-)

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My breeder had used Continental climate controlled cargo shipping. It was an extra fee but we gladly paid it to make sure that he was comfortable as he could be in a scary airplane. Your breeder should really have this information for you...if they've shipped babies in the past they should know what is best. Ours gave us about a week's notice as to the flight number and scheduled arrival time.

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You know I just read an article in our newspaper about a new airline that flys only pets, I forget the name of the new airline as the paper is at home and I am at work. It only flies to some of the big cities but they have outfitted the inside cabin to house pets and they pamper them before, during and after they land.

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Judy, I saw a newstory on tv about the same thing. They did state that they are only catering to dogs and cats at this time though... and I can't remember the name of the airline either but I'm sure a good internet search would turn it up.

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I really like that handmade crate!!! Our breeder shipped Chimay to us in your standard heavy-plastic pet carrier (looks like a cat carrier) with a perch bolted to the inside. I actually like your crate better, because Chimay always kicks over those flimsy food/water dishes that latch to the door. Looks like that dish in the crate is pretty secure!!!

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