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I've decided which parrot I want...


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I don't have a hahn's Macaw but I do have a Severe Macaw and he is the sweetest. funniest bird I have totally fallen head over heals in love with him. I rescued him about 8 months ago. and at first I thought I was never going to get him to settle down and not be scared of everything. Now he is just gone from a lunging biting cage bound bird. and changed into the sweetest most cuddly bird I have. he's the best if the hahn's is anything like the Severe your going to have a wonderful companion

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Haha Caroline, I have a client who has one and when I got Beau I had real trouble deciding on whether or not to get a grey (a parrot I'd always wanted) or one of these as they are so good-natured and are beautifully coloured. I'm glad I did get my grey in the end but now I'd like an addition to the flock, unfortunately my Husband knows nothing about my cunning plan so it will have to be dropped gently into conversation and probably over a large space of time - not to mention I will be the one paying for it no doubt!


Beau was actually an early birthday gift from my husband as I have (hmm shall we say) a landmark birthday coming-up next month but I can't see him paying for a second edition, also I will have to convince him that we do have the space for another birdy tee hee hee...;)

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Hmmmmm, some of this does sound familiar!

My poor Dave didnt get as much thought Im afraid, we discussed he shook his head,I sulked, the next day he went to work a piece of furniture left and a cage was brought in :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


You can use your female charms Julie, if your determined and its meant to be go for it!

Keep us posted wont you?:)

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Neither did mine Caroline, I told him I was getting a bird and thats that, if he had told me no then I would have gotten it anyway, he doesn't tell me no.


Sounds like a good fit, I don't know much about them either but if thats what you want then go for it and let us know when you get it and of course pictures please.

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