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Cages- Featherland Stainless Steel


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I LOVE my new Featherland Stainless steel folding parrot cage. Got the 3624 for my two greys, dometop. It's a beauty-the steel tubing is a little thinner then my other stainless but the design is the best-my birds cannot get to the paper to shred it, which they love to do and boy does it make a mess. My only concern, and yes, it's a BIGGIE is that at one part the bars are 1" apart-all the other places the bar spacing is smaller. Do you think I should be concerned with African greys? My male's head is huge so I don't worry about him but the female's is smaller. I've read though that 1" bar spacing is fine for greys. What's your opinion?



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Guest briansmum

yeah let's see a pic sounds like a good cage. 1 inch spacing is good, not big enough for their heads but plenty of room for getting a good climbing grip. the bars on mine are an inch apart

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How do I post a picture on my post? I already screwed up the photo for my profile! LOL How do I email the webmaster to correct my mistakes? This really is the best website I've come across! I just took some great photos. I don't like to use flash so they aren't as bright as I like since it is raining outside but the cage is shiney, and can interfer with the flash anyway.

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They distroy (chew) their toys within hours so I keep only one or two in there at a time. They are out of their cage walking around the living room most of the time or hanging out on top. Dewey is a major chewer and I can't tell you how many times I had to replace wood work. I bought a basket (bare-no stain or paint) at Walmart, then go to the craft department and for only 88 cents each I buy little cars, trucks, anything made out of wood and I store it in their basket. When they come out, they go right to their basket and pull out their toys which they then turn into toothpicks. A plan cardboard box keeps them busy for HOURS and they love them. I use non conventional toys-things around the house that I know is safe-nothing with chemicals and no cherry wood.I did order a new bell for them since they do like to ring it at 6 am in the morning but I don't know how long that will last LOL. They really like just hanging out with us, or being with us. No matter how many toys I have for them, Dewey will ALWAYS head for the nearest SHOE to EAT-I can't tell you how many Birkenstocks (new ones!) I had to throw out cause of her chewing...she's worse then a dog! Sometimes I make a pine box for them to play in, which they'll eat in about one week. BUt it's a lot cheaper then paying $40 for a toy that will last only hours. I should take pictures of the toys I make them out of cheap pine. Sometimes I just get scraps for free from Home Depot and let them go to town on them.

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Yeah I know of some other people who just give them a chunk of a wood 2x4 to keep them busy, you don't have to spend a lot of money on toys, but most of us do, I know I do. We'd love to see pics of the toys you make, maybe give some of us an idea to do that for our greys.

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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Guest briansmum

thats a lovely cage. and i don't know about destroying toys quickly... he's never destroyed anything belonging to him :P

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