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I'd like to apologise in advance if this isn't allowed but...


..something I feel very stongly about atm is supporting our brave men and women who are out in Afghanistan. Whatever your take on the war or the reasons behind it our men are fighting out there so I'd like to start a thread for everyone to put either their name or user name to and if they wish, to add comments or words of encouragement or even messages for those who haven't come back. I know that there are so many American and British men and women out there as well as other nationalities and I thought this might bring us all together so to speak. I know our armed forces will be far too busy to read this thread but I'm sure there are families with men who have been out there, are out there or are about to go out there shortly (such as myself) who could do with a little support.


I'll be first to add my name & comment:


Bring our brave men home, the sooner the better. Be safe guys & gals xxxxxx

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My boyfriends Niece has been thinking for a long time about when she graduates highschool going into basic training, I have never seen such a proud little girl in all my life, she has weighed the pro's and con's about a million times and finally she decided she will serve her country with honor.. I am not so sure i agree with all that is happening, but I do know it takes a special kind of person to make such a hefty decision.. and Anyone brave and valiant enough is top in my book.. Please take care of our service men and women...


this is a fantastic thread!! {Holidays-0002010D}

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My father and son were servicemen so I have a special place in my heart for our armed forces. I know several young soldiers now and I pray for them and all our armed service men and women for a safe return to their families. Bring our brave service people home soon. Janet

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My uncle was a Marine in WWII. Many of my classmates were drafted. Two of my current physicians served. My cousin was sent to Japan after graduating from medicine. My across the walk neighbot is a Nam veteran. The father of two of my grand-daughters was a Marine scheduledd for Nam. The father of my other three grand children was a Green Beret in Nam. It's time they all come home. Oh God! Hasn't there been enough???

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My Mother's father (my grandfather) died serving in the Royal Navy during WWII. I have 3 sons (one is only 11) and my eldest 2 are both servicemen. My eldest is in the air force and has been to Iraq several times. My second son is in the army and about to go to Afghanistan in September so our armed forces are very close to my heart. TBH as it gets nearer for my son to go, I'm becoming more and more anxious.


All our sericemen are very special and don't see themselves as hero's, they look apon it as simply doing their job but to me they are true hero's to face such a dangerous task with such bravery. May God walk with these men/women as they face such danger.

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currently my little brother is a marine (been deployed to iraq 2 times, and is on standby at the moment), and my cousin is air force (been deployed once). my grandpa was army in ww1, and 3 of my uncles were air force during vietnam. i pray that this all ends soon and everyone comes home safe!

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