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Is this okay?


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I have bird friendly toys in his cage and he seems to like them.


One has a wooden part--it has red coating on it. He chews it and shreds it and throws it all over. I know he needs to be able to chew and shred, etc. But I worry that he is swallowing some of it.


I mean most of it is on floor of cage or on the carpet around the cage; but, surely he swallows a little of it.


I ordered it from a bird site and it says safe materials; but, I'm just concerned.

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Our Chimay also loves to chew up wood...he likes to break off little pieces and I also was afraid that he was swallowing bits of it until I sat in front of his playtop and watched what he was doing. He would bite off a bit of wood and stash it under his tongue, continue biting then bring up the hidden piece and chew on that for a bit. From far away it looked like he was swallowing it but when I watched close up I could see what he was really doing.


I would just watch your birdie very closely next time he's playing with wood. You'll be able to tell quickly if he is swallowing it or just chewing and dropping it. With regard to the materials, so long you ordered it from a birdie friendly website I wouldn't be concerned about chemicals causing problems. If you're still concerned about that I would call the site's customer service line and ask. However if you truly think that he's swallowing the wood I would contact your vet to find out any safety issues in digesting the bits. If anything, that's what would worry me the most if I saw Chimay actually swallow a piece of wood.


Keep us posted! Hope this helps

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I would really doubt he is swallowing it. Chewing wood is natural to them as they do it in the wild. They know better than to swallow it.


I gave you karma for being such a caring parront.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/07/19 19:11

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I sort of felt like he knows what he is doing and that toys they sell must be safe. Surely they anticipate the toys being chewed to bits.


Besides I think if I reassembled the pile of wood shreds on the floor beside the cage, they would just about equal the missing pieces from the toy:laugh:


Thanks for all the input.

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