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our 16 yo grey is laying eggs...


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Our bird laid an egg last December. Then this week she laid 2! We are not sure if this is normal and what would be the best thing to do.




She is 16 years old and we have had her since she was 9 months old. We have no other birds.


Just looking for some advice

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Since she is female yes this is normal but it is to be discouraged if possible as it depletes her supply of calcium.


Does she have any thing she is using for a nestbox or did she just lay them in the bottom of the cage? If she is using anything for a nest you need to remove it as it gives her the notion of wanting to "nest".

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No since she is a pet that would not work, they need certain conditions before that would ever happen.


Just remove the eggs and provide her with calcium rich foods or ask your avian vet for recommendations so she doesn't become deficient.

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exactly--don't remove anymore eggs and if it happens in the future don't remove them. Normally, a stimulus is nesting material which normally gets taken out but right now, you have to provide here with a very small shallow bowl, hred some paper in it, put the eggs in it and let her take care of the rest, Your hen is over productive and can sometimes happen during a hormonal season. Let her eventually discard or lose interest in the infertile eggs. It will also slow down her desire to create more eggs--she only has a limited calcium suopply.


PS--make sure she sees what you're doing with the eggs (putting them)<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/07/19 03:49

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Maybie if I loaned out Marvin to U she would stop dropping alll thoze eggz. :silly:


Molly my 16 year old bird never dropz any eggz anymore and I think it is b/cuz of Marvin. She might have heard how he broked the chicken egg :evil: that he fertilzed a while back when my son waz working on his scienze expiriment.


She waz at 1 x uzed az a breeder for some guy who made money offf of her chickz, since shez been with me she haznt dropped even 1 egg. :side: and we wantz to keep it that way. ;)

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Jamal OH MY GOD!!!


You let your son perform an EXPERIMENT on your parrot??? How could you? Poor parrot! Don't you know that performing science experiments on poor defenceless parrots is really really bad?


You should put a stop to these science experiments immediately! What a horrible thing to do...

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

We didnt no until after he did it. He nos not to touch the birdz now. he waz only 4 at the time. hez a man now at five :P and haz sinze stoppped all bird xperimentses.

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Jamal that is quite a "science experiment" for a 4 year old... what happened to you being against all of the "birdz in the labz"? and Azzie... hahahahaa, you just made me laugh pretty hard.<br><br>Post edited by: MarkN8705, at: 2009/07/19 07:48

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

nice point.


i figure when someone is only four it is only normal to be understanding (we never approved of him doing a science epxperment on Marvin - he did it in a split second when we turned our backz) - the egg waz only in hiz cage for all of five minutez when we real ized what waz taking all marv's attention and when we went to grab it he pecked it and brokeded it. :evil:


Dont worry we R very much against animalz in labz and we can see when people are uzing animalz for there own gain with out con sidering the cozt to the animalz happinezzz.

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