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I never thought I would see this happen. Today I took Whisper in the shower with me just like I have hundreds of times before.. She OPENED her wings and feathers up and actually enjoyed the bath! She has always sat there on her shower perch all closed up and endured any water I would get on her.


Today she actually walked into the water spray and kept her feathers open the whole time. She kept flapping her wings and seemed to be having a great time. I was dumbstruck. You see guys there is hope for all the bath hating greys after all.

She got super wet all over. Every little feather right down to the skin. It made me so happy.:) Lets hope this is not a one time thing and she will continue.

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I wish you could teach Josey to do that, I just took her into the shower today and as usual she just stood there enduring it but not opening her feathers to get soaking wet, but maybe there is hope, maybe she will surprise me like Whisper did you.:whistle:

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i'm with judy on this one, you've given me hope char:)


for the past 2-3 months (since my shower was installed) i've taken tigerlily in with me on a shower perch 1-3 times a week but the slightest speck of water and she flies on top the screen:angry:


i've always sprayed her and she loves dunking her backside into a dog bowl full of water so water isn't a new thing for her.


i'll just keep on praying lol

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Well I'm so happy for you Char My birds have always liked the water so its never been a problem for me but I do know how frustrating it can be til you find a way that they like Adaya prefers the sprayer and Tyco likes to sit in the bath ful of water with the shower on. so I think its what each one prefers and sometimes it takes a while to figure out which way is right for your bird

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great news Char I bet u was a happy camper :) all of mine seem to love the shower especially my Eclectus he will stay in the shower for a long long time if I let him and my quaker loves it to,we are getting the new baby use to it right now and so far she is doing really great

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I had a simalar experience yesterday, I have seen him open his feathers before but this was wild. I set him in the bottom of the tub with the shower running very cold water, I stuck my feet in and was splashing him. His wings would go out wide and he would run at my toes. we had so much fun for about 30 mins. I wish all his showers were this fun.

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