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When We Are Sick


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I like a good joke, greylover, but when you kiss your grey just don't let him into the moist part of the mouth, the outer part of your lip which is dry is fine. And to be on the safe side when you have a cold or something else I would advise you to lay off even that.:P

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Hey everybody - thank you for the info on transmitting bacteria to our bird. This is pretty much what I thought also. It's only common sense to be careful when we are sick. As one post said, it is very difficult to rid a Grey of an infection. She said it took a year and 1/2 to rid her bird of the problem.

I was just wondering what all thought on this topic. Very informative.


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Guest briansmum

ooops sorry talon i wasn't insinuating thats what you do:) , i was merely clearing up kisses that are aloud and kisses that are not for anyone who might not have known. although.. as much as im sure everyone loves their birds.. you have to draw the line somewhere, bacteria or no bacteria :P

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CeasarsDad wrote:

Tari and Talon got it right.. what affects our human systems aren't the same as what affect birds, or any other animal's system for that matter..


BUT.. and you know there is always a BUT somewhere.. What about bird flu.. Here is a germ that can make the jump between species. My thought is if there is one such germ that can make it across from birds to humans.. can there be such a germ that makes if from humans to birds? I don't know but it's certainly something to think about....


Ha! You're having the same line of thoughts I am having (see my former posting in this thread) - I think more people will think like this, because it sure is a scary issue...

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