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When We Are Sick


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It would be a good precaution. But, very often unworkable in reality, I think. Especially if that person is the only one in the house or the only one usually handling the Grey.

I have no idea if human bacteria/viruses can influence birds - but the other way around, we all know that happened (avian flu) - so maybe it's not too crazy to think it could work the other way around as well :unsure:

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Tari and Talon got it right.. what affects our human systems aren't the same as what affect birds, or any other animal's system for that matter..


BUT.. and you know there is always a BUT somewhere.. What about bird flu.. Here is a germ that can make the jump between species. My thought is if there is one such germ that can make it across from birds to humans.. can there be such a germ that makes if from humans to birds? I don't know but it's certainly something to think about....

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So far, in the little amount of searching I did on this topic, the only additional disease I found that can be transmitted from Human to Bird or vice versa is Tuberculosis....


I certain there are more, and of course Bacterial infections. from the Human mouth, if you happen to share food you've had in your mouth with the bird.

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Dan, Bacterial infections are hard to get rid of in a grey. Talon came to us with one, and it took a year and a half to clear her of it. Our vet said not to kiss them on the beak, share utensils, or glasses with them.

Well, that lasted like for one day...........Too many people in this house to obey the rules. But I admit, I couldn't stop the kissing on the beak thing, no way, no how, uh-uh!! :pinch:

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Guest briansmum

if you give them a little peck on the top of the beak or head then theres no way that any bacteria can get transferred. it's if your "frenching" your parrot that you're asking for trouble

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Guest briansmum

LOL nope, none here either.. little pecks on the beak is what brian gets and on his head and neck too.

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French kissing your Bird :S


One of the first training packages I bought was done by people with a very bad accent and it wasn't 10 minutes in to it after she had stopped it from attacking her hand every time she got near, then the person was showing how to get your Parrot to like you and feel more comfortable in close proximity.


She was putting items such as sunflower seeds in her mouth completely then pushing them back out to her lips and bending forward so the poor ring neck could take it out :dry:


At about that point, we turned the DVD off and have not returned to it again....just count it as a learning experience loss of investment.........<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/08 18:23

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Jeez, everyone............I didn't mean I was french kissing Talon,( I save that for someone special). Only small, dry, kisses on the top of her beak. I thought you guys would have understood that's what I meant. Sorry for leaving out the details!! :pinch: :pinch:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/07/08 19:32

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I don't think you were the one that brought up the subject of french kissing, Talon, we know you don't do that with your bird, so get the burr out of your saddle and lets get on with the show. You know I am just kidding, Talon, no offense given, no offense taken I hope.{Feel-good-000200BB}

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Guest Monique

I am always careful. I don't believe the science community knows as much as they need to about birds yet. They haven't been pets that long - they are a wild, not domesticated bird, they hide their illnesses VERY well, so how would you ever know if they caught one from us?? I don't feel confident someone is around detecting every bird virus or bacteria my bird gets and being able to see it under a microscope that it's not the same as one I could have!! :)

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