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New pics of baby CAG

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Thank you all for the comments! ;) I have had so much fun with my baby since I got "it". He/she is so active & nosey! Always looking around and "talking". Eats well and is just an all around joy! :lol: I put water in a plastic top(from a butter container) to see if he would play in it, well he doesn't but he DOES drink from it!! Its so cute to watch!! Heres a pic...



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I really wish my baby would sit still long enough for me to get a pic alittle better then just a grey white and red blur lol I would LOVE for you all to be able to see what he really looks like lol

100_1204.jpgthe only time he sits still is when he is giving the evil eye for taking the empty syringe away


or when he wants a "hug"

oh and his hatch day was May 16th and he just turned 9weeks old on Saturday<br><br>Post edited by: JJsHoney, at: 2009/07/20 22:44

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