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With 3 you get Salsa


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Okay, as you all know, we have Salsa , our 14wk old Yellow-Naped Amazon a couple weeks ago. She is doing great,she obeys the step-up/down command, she eats 35cc's formula once a day and is starting to chatter a bit. Our friend is going on vacation for a few weeks and asked if we would watch them and finish weaning Salsa's three brother/sisters (35cc's once a day). No Problem! Got home with them at feeding time and took them out the carrier and put them on the playpen while we set up their cage and then made up the formula for the four of them. (3 plus Salsa) We fed Salsa while they talked in the background (no problem with her) We started feeding the others and found out they are not perch trained, step-up trained, step-down trained, any kind of trained:ohmy: We got food down them, down the walls, down us, down the cage...these guys are not CAGS....:laugh: Salsa and Spock are laughing in the background and the suns are in their face wanting to play and not understanding why they are being growled at...:( Imagine trying to put three large Amazons who don't know you, in a cage they don't know....Sticks and Stones may break your bones but beaks and claws can tear your skin...

First step: Perch training...

MaggiePictureh164.jpgPictureh165.jpgPictureh171.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/07/18 01:17

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The one upside down is Salsa,she is the littlest and she has yellow on the top of her head all the way down to her nostrils, the one next to her has yellow on the head but not all the way down to the beak, the top right is a beautiful green and the front is the biggest with beautiful iridescent green (huge bird). They are all approximately 14 weeks. Salsa weighs 335grams, the next is 413grams, the right one is 424 and the big one is 445grams. They all eat about 35 cc's but they are all cutting down. We accomplished a little bit of perch training today and step-up training. Salsa is pretty well trained and the others we are working with...:P

Maggie<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/07/18 04:46

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Omg they are all so cute I just love Amazon they just have the best sence of humor of all the birds I've ever met they have a way about them that just cracks me up. My Amazon can make me laugh even when I'm in the worst possible mood. she just knows exactly what to say and do at the appropriate time.

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