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Hello everyone, the names Josh since I have a long username, I am new to this forum and to owning parrots in general. I have owned multiple parakeets, lovebirds, and cockatiels since I was about 4 (all of 21 now) and I have always wanted a grey and I think after school is done (next June) that I will have the time and the financial means to take care of a bird like this. I have been following this forum for a few months now...Ok sorry to cut this short I have to go on an ambulance call my big question is does anyone know of a couple good breeders in minnesota?? Thanks back in a bit!

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Thanks for the greeting! So back to my problem, if someone lives somewhere near me that could point me towards a breeder would be awesome. I can't seem to find any breeders within a reasonable distance from SW MN (150 miles or so) I want to find a breeder that I can go visit their birds at least a couple times before I pick one and I do not want to have one shipped because that just doesnt sound good to me. Like I was saying, I have owned probably 10 birds and grew up with them so I do know the comittment involved. I also have been reading everything I can about greys for the last 6 months and am giving myself another year till after school to keep reading and to visit some firsthand before I get one..I want to make sure my new bird will benefit greatly from living with me. Which brings up a point that I am quite worried about, I work as a paramedic so I work often long, irregular hours throughout the week. I usually end up working 5 days on then get 3 off or so and the 5 on does not mean I am not home for 5 days either but I may be in and out a bit. I do have a roommate that is home everyday by 3pm that could let my bird out to excercise until I get home, I am just wondering if that will mean too much cage time for a bird that is incredibly smart and possibly lead to destructive behavior... So a little help with this would be greatly appriciated and any other pearls of wisdom you could share about living with these incredible birds.

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Hi Josh! Good to have you on this Forum.


If you don't my my asking, what city in Minnesota?


It's not so much how many days you work, but how many hours each day would you be able to spend with your Grey?


It seems the most important thing to do in spending time with them, is that it is consistent. The cage time is ok, as long as you have a large cage with plenty of toys to keep them entertained.

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Guest briansmum

hi josh, thanks for emerging from the readers and posting. i can't help you with your breeder problem as im over the other side of the pond. but it's good that you are sensible to wait till school is done and your finances are in place and you have as much knowlage as possible :)

as dan said, given your working hours how many hours would you have with your grey. you need a good few hours with them at least to raise a happy well rounded grey, particularly on a morning and evening when they are most active and chatty. i wouldn't worry about being in and out all day, if this is they way it is from the beginning then this is how your grey will become accustomed, just be sure to make a bit of a fuss when you do get home so he/she doesn't feel ignored. and dan is right, if your bird is going to have a fair bit of in cage time, the biggest cage you can afford/fit in where you live, and LOTS of stimulating toys is a must. but im sure you knew that ;)

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Beccy and the others give good advice. Being able to have your grey out of his cage morning and evening is important to them. They need this human interaction to thrive as healthy and happy birds. They do need lots of stimulation, so many toys and a large cage is a must Good luck to you, and keep us posted.:) :)

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danmcq, I live in marshall minnesota. I would have a good hour or so in the morning and 3+ hours at night, most nights, when I am working to give him/her attention. Beccy brings up another question i had, do you think if I am in and out some days more than others would that possible make my grey more adaptable to new situations? Thus not become so locked into one routine and making new things emotionally harder on them?

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In my opinion, yes, your Grey would know that you spend time with him a varying amounts each day.


That's the same routine that happens for ALL us working folks, were gone 5 days a week for most the day and then on weekends and holidays it party-time!!


I am sure others with much more experience than I have will pipe in here :-)


Here are the results of a search I did in MN. I do not know how close any of these may be to You http://www.avianbiotech.com/Breeders/Search_Breeders.asp


12 Listings found! Page 1 of 1

Listings Contact Business Location

0 Dave - Minnesota

2 jeff borchert - Owatonna

Minnesota, 55060

3 jeff borchert tri-birch-farms Owatonna

Minnesota, 55060

0 joe kirsch - Glenville

Minnesota, 56036

0 John Alstrup - Rice

Minnesota, 56367

0 Juanita Heckman Feathered Cuddlers Fairmont

Minnesota, 56031


Minnesota, 56676

0 mary kidd marykidd Anoka

Minnesota, 55304

0 mgaviary MG aviary Minnesota

0 Sandy - Cold Spring

Minnesota, 56320

0 Tammi Reilly - Stanchfield

Minnesota, 55080

0 TweeteBirds Tweetebirds Owatonna

Minnesota, 55060

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Guest briansmum

hi again josh. an hour in the morning and 3+ at night plus any extra time you are home sounds good as long as you do devote your evening time to your grey, it will learn to look forward to your time together.

and yes, it seems that although it is good to have some rountine with greys with regards to feeding times, shower time etc, it is beneficial to have some spontaneity so your grey doesn't become too set in it's ways that it get's depressed at change. as long as he/she got their time in the morning and on an evening that it could count on and look forward to it should be fine with you coming and going during the day and enjoy any extra attention.

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Hi Josh.. I just wanted to thank you for joining us.. I often wonder why folks visit and not register..


I think you will love your new family here. As you can see everyone is as helpful as can be... as I am sure you will be too..


And thanks for the work you do out there as a paramedic.. :) :) :) :) :)

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Welcome to our family, Josh, you sound like a man with a good head on his shoulders, and may I give you a hearty thanks for the work you do.

You seem to know what you want and have done your research and even Dan has done some for you as far as local breeders in your area. This shows we are willing to help you any way we can, we love our greys and everyone's greys here in our family. You have been given some excellent advice so far and I cannot add to it at the moment.

So thanks for joining and we look forward to hearing more about your new family member.

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Dan, thanks for the info you got for me, unfortunatly I had contacted almost all those breeders already and it sounds like everyone is getting out of Greys for reasons they are not even sure of. I have found 2 that, while being a ways away, look like good breeders and will be visiting in the next few months. Also waiting for a few to call back. Thanks again for all the info so fast from everyone!

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