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How does parrots have sex?


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Very carefully... :P


Well, simply put, The female bird unfans her tail, moves it to one side while the male climbs up onto her back or gets close to her. Their cloacas are pressed together and the sperm moves from the male to the female. This act is called a cloacal kiss...

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SchroedersJen wrote:

Or, if the bird is more like Schroeder, they will dry hump a pinata toy. This will lead to a small piece of pinata grass going up their vent, bloody poo and some interesting sighs at the vet...No you didn't just read that wrong.


Hahahahahahahahha, OMG, wiping the tears from my eyes.


Thanks for the BIG morning laugh Jen!!!



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Well actually, lets explain it more clearly and simply for Abula.


It's called Rubba Dub Dub

Get Cialis and jump in the tub


Special rubbies and special tubbies are needed for nestboxes. Get small size. Petsmart may carry them.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/07/17 22:17

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It's funny how things that we know become funny when explained like this. . .

Well Of course I didn't know:

Or, if the bird is more like Schroeder, they will dry hump a pinata toy. This will lead to a small piece of pinata grass going up their vent, bloody poo and some interesting sighs at the vet



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Yes, it is a family forum, that is why we are being very delicate in our wording here as this question was asked by a 14 year old.....but guess what? It is a fact of life that birds mate, and learning how is showing what a good owner you are, as you try to learn as much as possible about them. Questions like this one is one that anyone remotely considering breeding can learn from. B)

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

1 x Marvin Grey fertilzed a chicken eggg that my son put in his cage and he sat with it 4 a loong x and then he broke it B4 it hatched, so B care full when u try it.

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jamalbirdbiz wrote:

1 x Marvin Grey fertilzed a chicken eggg that my son put in his cage and he sat with it 4 a loong x and then he broke it B4 it hatched, so B care full when u try it.


#1. That chicken egg was never going to hatch unless it had previously been fertilized by a chicken.


#2. Why would your son put a chicken egg in with your Grey?


#3. Why would you leave it there?

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Jamal, please read Dan's post again about how bird eggs are fertilised, and you will see Char is correct on the first point.


And abula, this is Wikipedia's description of a cloaca:


"a cloaca is the posterior opening that serves as the only such opening for the intestinal, reproductive and urinary tracts of certain animal species."


Basically what that is saying is that birds have only one opening at the back, that serves as a way for the bird to get rid of urine, feces and make babies. "Vent" is just another name for this opening.


And when Dan mentioned "snogging" I don't think he meant snogging like humans do, which usually means kissing. Snogging in this instance means mating.

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