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Is my parrot tring to lay a egg??


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my parrot congo african grey unsexed just turned 3 on the 4th july iv noticed now a days he rips up the news paper into stripes when ever i change it i think h/she is trying to make a nest so if its a female could it be she is trying to make a nest to lay a unferilized egg on because when i change hes cage daily he attaks me to leave the newspaper i am not sure can you help me please

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Hi Abula, I wish I could give you some advice here but I have no experience with egg laying greys. What you might want to do until another response comes up is run a search in the forum on "egg" and read, read, read. There is SO much good information in here I'm sure you'll find some on nesting behavior, and what to watch for.


Keep us posted!

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i switched to using newspaper for my cage lining as a cheaper alternative to some shop stuff which went well for a few months untill tigerlily started tearing it to pieces. she made a right mess (more than usual lol) so i switched back.


i don't know anything about egg laying but your grey could just be playing with the newspaper and gets upset when you try and take it away you know how they'll get those beaks into ANYTHING;)

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She may be feeling a little hormonal right now and may very wellbe exhibiting nesting behavours that does not mean shes going to lay and egg. I would do my best if I were you to take anything away from her thatshe can build a nest with if she does rip the news paper up on he bottom of her cage to build with try to remove it daily laying eggs takes allot of calcium and energy if you can stop this before it starts it is much better for your bird. mabie try to lengthen the dark time by 10 to 15 minutes every night until shes in the dark for 12 to 14 hours this might help trick her body into thinking breeding season is over. Good luck remember no petting below the head and neck area at this time it will only cause sexual frustration.

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if she lays a egg it will be unfertilised.. so no chicks im afraid! Tycos mom is right.. its not good for them to lay.. it takes far to much energy and vital nutrients and vitamins from there little bodys.. Try a alternative to the newspaper whilst she is shredding for nest building..

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You have to realize that Abula is only 14 years old, that explains a lot.


Its not huring her feelings but you don't want her wasting her energy trying to build a nest for chicks she is never going to have and like Pat says the very act of egg laying takes a lot out of them, you want to avoid that if at all possible.


I love the innocence of some of your posts, no one else but a youngster would ask some of those questions but I enjoy answering them and I think a lot of others do too so ask anything you want.:P

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abula wrote:

his not 14, lol he is 3....

i am 14 his owner


abula = Grey

wadi = me


Sometimes when people don't put their real name in every post then they tend to call them by their member name and my bad I forgot your real name is Wadi but I meant that you as the member are 14 years old.


Now for the egg, if she has an egg inside her she will lay it, she won't keep it inside unless she is bound up and you will know something is wrong if that happens but don't worry about it now as it may never happen. Some birds will lay an egg even if they don't have a nest.

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You are making some good observations on Abula and that is wonderful! You are coming here to ask questions to better help Abula and everyone here has given great advice. Good for you Wadi! Karma for you. ;)


P.S. sorry I missed you in the chat box earlier, I was working.<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/07/17 18:56

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na caitlin its ok i just like to say hi to everyone i understand everyone works i am the odd one out coz i am 14 and i yet hvnt got work... xD i will start in september anyways back to our topic i thought abula was gonna lay so thats why i made this thread thanks for answers

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