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JudyGram & CeasarsDad reach 1,000


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This is for you Judy!




and now...CD!!



As everyone reaches 1,000 posts, we can congratulate them here. So, as Judy is the first one, congrats!!! :)




Post edited by: TalonSis, at: 2007/07/08 01:37


Post edited by: TalonSis, at: 2007/07/08 01:38<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/07/08 03:27

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Well, Melissa beat me to the post but I do have something to say.. :P


This is a very special post. Milestones are always very important indicators, not only in the business world be also in our personal lives. When a milestone is reached it usually signals that something good was achieved. The people involved in reaching those milestones usually celebrate..


Well folks, an incredible Milestone was reached today by one of our most popular forum family members. You see my friends JudyGram just reached the 1000th forum post mark. In looking over the forum records I don't see that this has ever been done before.. So without taking too much more time here I want to personally congratulate JudyGram for hitting such a wonderful Milestone here in this forum..


I would also like to invite all of you to join me in thanking Judygram. Thank her for putting this huge amount of time to work in helping others with their questions and concerns. I personally feel lucky to have met such a caring and compassionate woman...




CD<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/07/07 19:30

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Congratulations Judy!! I knew you could do it, and in less than 2 months!



You are a very special lady with a lot of knowledge and wisdom. I feel honored to have the pleasure of your friendship.


You Go Girl!




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No CD, karma to you....:cheer:

WOW if I had known this was going to happen I would have done it sooner. Just kidding, I am overwhelmed at the thought and planning that went into this thread. You all are the greatest bunch of people I have been associated with in a long time and believe me I have been around a long time. Good friends like this don't just happen, you have to work hard for them.

I hope I have helped some of you here, I am not an expert, but I am glad to share what I know and maybe it will be of some help to you.

Some more of you are getting close to this mark and hope you will feel as priviledged as I do when you make it, CD and Talon for two, are on my heels.

I love coming on this site and chatting with all of you about our greys and hope to continue to do so for a very long time.

A very big THANK YOU goes to TalonSis for the spectacular banner at the start of the thread, and to my good friend, Talon.

I love you guys.


aka: judygram

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Congratulations CD!!!!!!



^It did have some of your pictures in the beginning, but it wouldnt upload so I had to take themn out :pinch:


Go CD!!! This is the 2nd person in a day that reached 1,000 posts! (But the 1st admin ;) )


What's the next goal...2000 posts? :huh:




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A very BIG Congratulations CD!


You’ve reached an incredible milestone in just under 2 months, in more ways than one! Like Judy, you are filled with a wealth of knowledge and wisdom to share. You are a very special, compassionate and smart man,and it shows to all of us here.

I value your friendship and knowing that you will always be here for us is a comfort. We are lucky to have you. Keep up the good posting!! Lots of Love, Penny




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What can I say Melissa other then.. Your pretty good with photoshop aren't you.. :P :P :P :P


No really, thank you so much for thinking about me like this. To me it was easy to hit this magically 1000 post mark as I like being here and talking to all my family members..


When you compare my first 1000 posts to NON ADMINS you come to realize that a NON ADMIN has way more important things to say then I do. Many of my posts are not related much to the African Grey but many are related to site issues and cries for help.. So with this considered I still think that the 1000 posts made by Judy trumps mine.. but I do thank you Melissa for doing this for me.. I really do...


Thank you Kiddo...

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Talon wrote:

A very BIG Congratulations CD!

I value your friendship and knowing that you will always be here for us is a comfort. We are lucky to have you. Keep up the good posting!! Lots of Love, Penny


Talon, thank you so much. You make me FEEL so good.. I appreciate it very very much..


Some facts if I may...

1) I WILL always be here god willing.

2) I am lucky to have YOU.. and everyone here.

3) It's way easier for an ADMIN to do this then a regular member.

4) Finally.. how about a contest picking the date of the first 2000 poster.. :P


Thanks again Talon... {Love-00020116}

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Way to go, CD, I knew you were right behind me, hot on my heels.

You already know I think of you fondly and you are doing a great job as admin on this forum, and as I have stated many times I don't know what we would do without you here.{Communicate-000200D5}

Here's hoping we never have to find out. Keep up the good work and karma goes to you as well.{Love-000200BF}

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Thanks Judygram - Please don't give me Karma unless I post something worthy of it :-) I see many informative and great posts here everyday.


I try to spread out my 2 each day to the different members I see post everyday, yet their Karma stays the same :-(


CD - You deserve a ton more from where I stand! I know how much being an admin requires :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/08 03:08

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Dan, I will give my karma to whoever I darn well please if you don't mind, besides you have given us some good information here also and besides I might have to call on you some day for that computer help.


Gotcha, no offense given, none taken I hope.:lol:

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