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What to get: Baby or 2 year old Timneh


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Hi everyone, I am new here and am looking at purchasing my first Timneh, well...first parrot as well. I have a friend that breeds timnehs and I can either have a new baby (will be about 6-8 weeks when I would get him/her) or I can get her 2 year old that has been cage bond for most of his life due to my friend having a car accident shortly after he was born. He was hand fed in the beginning, but now he is in his cage 24/7. I have done a lot of reading on rescues (he would be but then again he's not. I am ready to devote the time it will take to train the 2 year old, as well as the time it will take for a baby...but I just would like to get other peoples thoughts on what they would do if they were me.

Thanks in advance.


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wow. thats some dilema you've got there and only you can answer that one.

personally my heart would tell me to have the rescue but my head would say the baby.

both are going to take a lot of looking after and it's impossible to say if either one will bond to you although in my opinion the baby will be more likley to bond with you.

your doing the right thing in reserching before you commit to either and maybe the others can be of more use.


can you visit both greys, especially the rescue and see if there's any bond between you?

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Hello Valerie, its really up to you which you get as either would be ok in my book, just make sure a grey is the right fit for you, thoroughly research them and read thru many of our threads for information.


A two year old bird is not old enough to be set in his ways yet so if you feel confident enough to work with him then it would be the way to go. If he is spending all his time in a cage then he needs a good home with someone who will have him out a good part of the day to enjoy your company and be himself.


In my opinion I would go with the 2 year old but then maybe some others will suggest otherwise as this is your first parrot but you have to commit yourself to it if you do.

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Yes, I have seen him/her once and he/she wouldn't take his/her eyes off of me when I walked around the house (in sight of his/her cage) but, who knows..that probably was just because I was a stranger. I thought I would make a few more visits to see him/her before deciding...what if he/she doesn't bond with me? This will be a challenge if I decide to get him (ok I am calling it a him...We are not sure what he is yet). He was hanging up side down alot when I was there and it seemed he was showing off, cause my friend said he was doing all his tricks for me. He seems to be happy, he is not a squacker. I am just not sure what to do. This is my first parrot and I don't want to make a mistake purchasing the wrong one.

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Hi Valerie, karma you for doing your research. The decision, of course, is yours. You are a caring person otherwise this problem wouldn't be troubling you. My question to you is will you be able to forget about the 2 year old? How about spending some time with the 2 year old and seeing how it goes. There will always be baby Timnehs (your friend is a breeder) but there is now the chance to love a grey who wants so much to please you and needs a loving forever home. What is important to you about the companion you choose? Which of these important traits does each of your choices have? Good luck on your decision. The important thing is to do what is right for you and whichever forever companion you choose.

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Well, I have decided to rehome YummYumm. I have talked to the owner today and I am going to start going over there once or twice a week to just sit and visit with him. It is going to be several (7-8) weeks before I am able to do the transfer, this is actually good I think so we can get to know eachother.


I do have another question. The current owner has training experience. Should I ask her to help me while I am there visiting to start trying to get him to come out of his cage or should I wait until I get him home? This is not easy for her because he was the first hatchling she had survive but she knows she does not have the time to work with him, so I think she is only doing it to help him but it is bothering her.


I will take pics at this weeks visit and hope to post them later in the week. (next week)




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I think its wonderful that you have chosen to take the rescue. I would have done the same. If yummy yumm is showing off for you thats a very good sign there is already a connection. Its up to you weather or not you want to start working with him now or after you get home. I would say the sooner the better and he may also feel more compfortable in the home he's always been in to respond better. I could be wrong though he may feel insecure after his move and since your going to be visiting him for a while he may and probubly will look to you because you will be the only familar part of his new home. Is he going to be able to take his cage with him? If not its going to be double tramatic for him because his cage has been his safety zone for him for the last couple years. You do realize that you will probubly recieve a few good bites from him and that you can't let that intimadate you. Its very easy to become afraid of these birds when they are continuously trying to bite you and draw blood. you have to be very patient and learn their body language and take thing at their pace. Once you have established a trusting loveing relationship though there is nothing more special or rewarding. I have 3 rescues one is a African Grey Congo and they are the sweetest most loveing birds but it didn't happen over night. I've found with my Rescues the average time it takes to build a trusting relationship is around 8 months. After that things start progressing fairly quickly. So you have a long road ahead of you but in the end its all worth it.

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Thanks...I know it will take sometime and I am willing to give him all the time he needs/wants. Unfortunately, no, the owner wants to keep the cage because she is going to keep one of her new hatchlings I am guessing. But now that I think about it...I was just looking at cages online (WOW what a selection...I could use some help with that too??? size shape color???) Anyway...I wonder if I could offer her more $$ for YummYumm if she would be willing to give me his cage. I was thinking of that, but I thought if things are going to change for him it was probably the best time to change cages...his current cage is a good size one...but for being in it 24/7 nothing could be big enough. {Feel-bad-0002006A} What would be the difference if she were to have a "new" cage for her baby? I will talk to her and ask her...the worst she could say would be no.


Thanks for the words of wisdom...I will take ALL I can get. {Feel-good-0002006B}

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I hope so...I do know that he/she does not like the 2 men that live in the house...so I am hoping that is a plus on my side...my boyfriend keeps telling me, "Remember, he may bond to me and not you"...I will just have to get another one if that is the case.


I also was told that grey's have a tendency to favor the one that pays the least amount of attension to them...is that true?




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I highly doubt that they bond to the person doing the least as My CAG Dalia is Strongly Bonded to me and I am the one that spends the most time.

My hubby wanted to bond with her and has a relationship but not like the one Dalia and I share. Its like Nite and Day.

Be careful finding out new things on the net as so many things are not true. But hey! thats why you are here!

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It's not what I read but thanks for the advise...My boyfriend work with a guy that has a TAG and his wife hand fed it right from the day it hatched and today he loves the husband and hisses at the wife...she still is the one that feeds him and cleans the cage. I am affraid he won't attach to me because I am not letting him chose me.


I'm here to stay...I need all the help I can get!!

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Congratulations on re-homing this needy grey. What will you be naming your new companion? I would have your grey's former owner help you to learn what you should do but you should be the one to interact with your grey. Sit with him, talk to him and leave the cage door open so he knows he is welcome to come out to see you if he chooses. As for his cage, new, old does it really matter, you are giving this sweet grey a new beginning on life. I re-homed an Eclectus a couple of months ago. New name, new cage and a new life. He doesn't seem to miss any of those old things and he has stopped plucking and shrieking. Karma to you Valerie for your loving and kind heart!

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Thank you...but I haven't gotten him yet...could end up being a disaster lol...I know it will take time and some blood shed, but I am willing to do it...The woman that has him now is a friend of mine, I am going to see her tonight and talk to her about also getting his cage and ask her about changing his name...I don't want to step on any toes. If you know what I mean. I don't mean to sound that he is in a bad place right now because I do not believe it is bad...just under the circumstance of her accident she is unable to give him the attention he needs.

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What I don't understand is why she is giving up this Grey to get another baby. If she doesn't have the time to spend to get this bird back to being a nice loveing companion then why would she need the cage so she can get another bird to do the same thing too

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