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african grey


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hi i have just purchased my 1st eva bird an african grey, he has a disability, his left leg seems to be disabled although he does struggle with this much he his reluctant to walk on it,and when he does he just seems to walk on the joint not so much the foot he is 18mths old and the last owner said he was born like this...when he walks he favours his right leg and only uses his left leg for climbing and holding nuts etc.. shud i get him to a vets or if he was born with it(no proof but have no reason to doubt the mans word) shud i just leave it as hes adapted to it?? any recomendations would be much appreciated...

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I would get it to the vet asap. Make sure that he is ok and is not in any pain due to a possible injury. If he is favoring it, it sounds like its not something he was born with. Please keep us posted with updates and congrats on your new bird. There islots of info here to help you. read thru the many threads and ask any questions you may have.

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deffinatly trip to the vets.

i got tigerlily from a well established and trusted garden centre and tigerlily looked in perfect health but still the 1st thing i did when i brought her home was book an appointment with the vet for my own peace of mind.

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thanks for all your comments ppl...i will defo take him to vets and keep ya all posted! im a new member but will use this site regularly...he doesnt seem in any pain however if it is an injury then he doesnt deserve to be hobling around! he will not come onto my hand and i think its because of his standing ability due to this problem! he lets me kiss cuddle him etc... but if its a defect from birth and cannot be rectified, his personality over compensates for this and it wont matter to me anyway...

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reply for talen...he favours his good foot and his left doesnt get used properly, when he walks its more on the knuckle (knee area where feathers start on leg)but whilst up n down in cage he can grip with his bad leg just not aswell as his right leg....ill see wot vet reccomends....cheers

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If he was born with it he has adapted to it for he knows no different but he still needs to be seen by an avian vet to see if he is in any pain from it and he just needs a well check anyways.


When you get that squared away please introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us some more about yourself and this grey, btw what is his name?

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Hi, welcome! My mom's grey was also born with a broken leg. She took him to the vet at a young age and they said it already healed broken so there was nothing they could do. He does walk with a limp but he gets around great and it doesn't seem to bother him at all. If your bird was born with it than he should be fine, but you should definitely take him to the vet to see if its something he wasn't born with. You said he walks on the knuckle part, so he can't walk on his foot at all? I hope he is ok and I hope to hear an update from you. Btw whats his name?<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/07/16 16:39

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hi ppl will visit members lounge and update profile as soon as i get an hr to spare, the birds name is coco! however its unsexed so i think this fits a boy or a girl. and is convienient! lol....will get some pics uploaded shortly! regards dan (bear with me as im new)

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