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Charlie 17 months on.


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Well, its been 17 months since Charlie lost his flights because of an Earthquake we had in the UK, believe me you wouldnt believe what a tough time my Charlie had and the difficult times we went through together.


Over night my Charlie lost the ability to balance, fly lost his confidence and also lost trust in me!


We had to adapt everything! My husband Dave was great! He made perspex sheets which fitted on to Charlies cage to stop him from going to high, one fall and that chest could have been split open! We went through months where he wouldnt let me handle him and didnt want to come out of his cage, I honestley thought the bond we had was gone!


The tears I cried over Charlie are too many to count!


Every time a new flight came through he would catch it in his cage or have a crash landing and it would be lost! We have had burst blood feathers and plenty of scrapes!


Well, after lots of patience, love and understanding my baby took his first flight the other week, its the first time in many months he has flown and landed properly!


His confidence and trust came back months ago, I have had to carry him about since the accident.


He is the most adorable bird I have ever met, he is first to wake up in the morning, last to go to sleep at night he is my number one and I love him so much!


Never give up when something changes in life, you just have to work that little bit harder to try and get it back.


Its been a long ride but me and my baby are back on track:)




Charlie and his new flights! Lets hope they stay:)

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What a fantastic update on Charlie.I remember you telling me the other week he flew but it seems he has improved even more.I cant tell you how happy I am.I know you exhausted many options to help him regain his confidence and fly again.Looks like the dream has come true.He looks really well and happy in the photo.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/16 12:23

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Thanks Sheila.


He has improved a lot lately, I dont think he will ever regain his flying skills from before the accident but its a start.


You dont realise what an impact it had on him, my non bird friends used to think I was mad the things I did for him!


He is my life long companion and deserves the love and respect I show to the rest of my family:)

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Do not be despaired. I am sure he will regain his previous flying skill. Greys are intelligent. They keep learning everyday. Like my grey, she kept on practising until she could fly up to the upper floor and back to the lower floor. She is very good at it now.

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I think now he has started to fly again he will get more strength in his wings and that will help him to fly with more skill.Practice makes perfect,I am sure he will come on now and surprise you with his skill at flying before too long.

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What a wonderful recovery story Casper. :-)


You and Charlie now carry a special bond after those months of loving care and concern. You and Charlie both had to work hard to reach this point.


He is a beautiful Grey and I must say he looks very confident in that photo. He will gain all his previous flight skills back and more.


Thanks for this wonderful update and karma to you.

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That is a wonderful story Caroline! This story should inspire everyone. I am so happy for you and Charlie. You are a great parront to always be there for him through the good and the bad, he is so lucky to have you! That is a great picture of him, he does look very confident. ;)

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